News from our Media Partners

Bulgarian journalist sues a tabloid for defamation


The Bulgarian journalist and human rights activist Nickolai Staikov sued the inline tabloid for insulting and defamatory statements. The articles have been published over the past two years. The Court ordered PIK to pay about 6.500 euros. is one of the media outlets, associated with the Bulgarian oligarch and deputy from the ethnic Turkish party DPS - Delyan Peevski.

Mediapool: read the complete article in Bulgarian

Polish media protests against restriction of the work of journalists in the country's parliament building


More than 20 Polish media outlets on Friday took part in the protest against the government's plan to restrict the work of journalists in the country's parliament building from January 1, 2017.
Polish authorities are planing to restrict access to some parts of the parliament building, as well as to limit the number of journalists accredited there. Protesting the plan, the staff of newspapers, internet outlets, broadcasters and radio stations have decided to abstain from covering the parliament activities on Friday altogether.

Mediapool: read the complete article in Bulgarian

Media clientelism in Macedonia


Macedonia is among the lowest ranked countries in the region's index (2016) of clientelism in the media, suggests a researche published by the Public“ Association.

24Vesti: read the complete article in Macedonian

Public media in Serbia do not do their work well


Public media during the first half of the year were focused on political issues, due to the electoral campaign. Media covered above all the activites of Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić. However, despite the coverage, there were little analytics contributions and the interviews covered a narrow range of opinions, negating in practice the pluralist function, linked to public media's role.

Beta: read the full article in Serbian

Serbia: privatization of media unsatisfactory for national minorities


Ombudsman Saša Janković on 9 December expressed dissatisfaction regarding the results of the privatization of the media with regard to the representation of national minorities. Still too little room is left to broadcast in the languages of national minorities, as only 13 of the privatized media include plans to broadcast in the language of national minorities.

Beta: leggi l'articolo completo in serbo

Bulgaria: press freedom is worsening


Curated by the "Foreign affairs" desk of Radio Popolare, the fifith episode of the second year of the ECPMF project of which Radio Popolare is media partner. Irina Nedeva, president of the Bulgarian Chapter of the Association of European Journalists, analyzes the situation of press freedom in the country.

Radio Popolare: listen to the radiocast in Italian

The sweet taste of swedish democracy


A trip to Stockholm highlights how far Kosovo has to go when it comes to media freedoms and human rights.

Dilema Veche: read the complete article in Romanian

Turkey: balance sheet of state of emergency


177 media outlets have been closed in total as part of three Statutory Decrees put into effect during the State of Emergency, 11 of them reopened. Balance sheet of unemployment has reached 2,500.

Bianet: read the full article in English

The application of media laws is "disastrous"


Media Laws in the Western Balkan countries have been harmonized with European standards, but their application is bad.

Beta: read the full article in Serbian

Media in Macedonia: "Not free"


In Macedonia, on the eve of the crucial elections of 11th december, "Medias are not free" according to the American NGO Freedom House.

Le Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French