News from our Media Partners

Europe: freedom of the press at risk


Curated by the "Foreign affairs" desk of Radio Popolare, the fourth episode of the second year of the ECPMF project of which Radio Popolare is media partner. Chiara Sighele, OBC, analyzes the critical situation of press freedom in Europe.

Radio Popolare: listen to the radiocast in Italian

Croatia, the number of threats and aggressions against journalists increases


The European Federation of Journalists raises the alarm: Croat journalists are more and more often target of speeches full of hate. Yet, authorities are slow to intervene.

Le Courrier des Balkans: read the full article in French

Turkish police arrested opposition journalists


Turkish police have detained the editor and 13 journalists of opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet.The journalists are suspected of links to US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused of plotting the failed coup in Turkey earlier this year.

Mediapool: read the full article in bulgarian

Ad hoc committee puts on the table infringement procedures for 3 televisions


Interim Committee for monitoring the media proposed opening infringement procedures against TV Sitel, Alfa and Nova TV with three votes "for" and two against

24Vesti:read the full article in Macedonian

Digital (un)sustainability


Lack of finances, help and threats to journalists are the biggest challenges for local online media outlets in Serbia and Croatia, show findings of the research "Understanding the Needs of Online Local Media in Serbia and Croatia" which was conducted by Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation and the Association for Independent Media Culture.

H-Alter: read the full article in Croatian

Journalists in Turkey


Dilema Veche published an interview to Bülent Mumay, a Turkish journalist arrested after a Google research.

Dilema Veche: read the full article in Romanian

Journalists sue the Supreme Administrative Court for erasing important information


Bulgarian journalists filed a complaint in the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) against the new rules that erase key data in the judicial decisions of the same court. The case will be led by a non-governmental organization, called "Access to Information". The complaint was filed on behalf of journalists from BNR, BNT, bTV, "Dnevnik", "Capital", "Mediapool", "Legal World", Nova TV, "Sega" and "Judicial reports".

The media in Bulgaria may go under European monitoring


The European parliament has passed a resolution for a new mechanism for monitoring the state of democracy, rule of law and fundamental rights in all EU countries.According to the new mechanism the European Commission and independent experts will asset the situation in every country and then will prepare recommendations for each of them. The new mechanism will monitor also the media pluralism and freedom.

Mediapool: read the full article in bulgarian

Turkey: 107 journalists in prison, 2,500 others left unemployed due to closures


Of 107 arrested journalists, 71 are from Gülen Community, 29 others from Kurdish Media. 155 media organs have been closed down, 775 press cards and 49 passports revoked.

Bianet: read the full article in English

The sweet taste of Swedish democracy


A trip to Stockholm highlights how far Kosovo has to go when it comes to media freedom and human rights.

Kosovo 2.0: read the full article in english