Feature stories

Armenia's sense of pigeons

09/04/2019 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

Many Armenians breed pigeons and are ready to do anything for their safety and well-being. Others buy them to sacrifice them for special events. Others raise them for sports competitions. The story of an ancient Armenian tradition

Between two families: stories of migrant domestic workers in Greece

18/03/2019 -  Elvira Krithari Athens

Anna, Maria, and many others. In Greece, thousands of migrant women work as domestic helpers and carers. A difficult life, suspended between legality and informal sector, country of origin and destination, pride and regret

China-Armenia: do you speak English?

23/01/2019 -  Armine Avetisyan

The new frontier for Armenian English teachers seems to be China: the possibility of working at higher salaries attracts more and more workers

Migrants, the EU passes the buck to Bosnia and Herzegovina

05/11/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Velika Kladuša

Bosnia is stuck with having to "defend" the EU's external borders. Is this the price to pay for membership? This is the question asked by some inhabitants of Velika Kladuša and Bihać, new junctions of the Balkan route. A report

Collio and Brda, together towards UNESCO

18/10/2018 -  Giovanni Vale

Hills extending on the border between Italy and Slovenia, terracing, and dirt paths – an ideal location for wine production. This area, once divided by the Iron Curtain, today could symbolically unite

"Border correction", a dangerous game

12/10/2018 -  Majlinda Aliu Pristina

In recent months there has been an increasing talk of a swap of territories between Serbia and Kosovo: a solution that raises concerns and question marks. The debate among the Kosovo Albanians

"Let's go all the way". In David Square, Banja Luka

05/10/2018 -  Alfredo Sasso Banja Luka

Parents, grandparents, children – hundreds of people have been guarding Banja Luka's main square for over six months, demanding justice for David. Regardless of who wins Sunday's elections, they are determined to go all the way

Osman Taka, the warrior who enchanted his enemies

20/08/2018 -  Fabrizio Polacco

Osman Taka, a young warrior who saves himself from a death sentence conquering the soul of his enemies with the beauty of his dance. A legendary tale from Epirus, on the border between Albania and Greece

Armenia and Azerbaijan: Garden of Peace between the opponents

02/07/2018 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

Cultivating the land in villages on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border is very dangerous. Nevertheless there are those who go on, dreaming of peace

Croatia: emigration, European funds, and beers

21/06/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Some leave and never want to come back, some – although the country is not fully ready yet – use EU funds to create new artisanal businesses, such as the production of craft beers