Feature stories

Terra Madre Balkans, the voice of farmers in Tirana

01/08/2016 -  Erion Gjatolli Tirana

The fourth edition of "Terra Madre Balkans", held in early June in Tirana, focused on challenges and hopes of small farmers in the region

Durres, the Albanian port

07/06/2016 -  Fabrizio Polacco

A walk through the streets of old Durres, where past and present are inextricably entwined

Savamala, urbanism and politics

31/05/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Belgrade

The story of a district forgotten by the authorities, made alive by citizens, and finally seized by force to build the pharanoic project “Belgrade on water”

Ukraine: the fate of displaced persons

05/05/2016 -  Matteo Tacconi Kiev

War in the Ukraine has caused about 1,5 million internally displaced persons. The living conditions of those who have fled the war zone in the east of the country are often very difficult. Report

Looking for the Albanian route

16/03/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Tirana

A still landscape of clay, low trees, and white rocks. Albania looks with apprehension at its southern border, increasing patrols should any refugee appear. A report

Istanbul, in the traffickers' net

08/03/2016 -  Dimitri BettoniFilippo Cicciù Istanbul

For the vast majority of refugees and migrants, using the Turkish network of traffickers is the only choice in order to start the journey along the Balkan Route. Our report

Elderly Bulgarians: the lost generation

15/02/2016 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Bulgaria is the EU country with the highest rate of elderly people at risk of poverty, isolation and social exclusion. Our report

Giurgiuleşti, the port in a void

30/12/2015 -  Francesco Brusa

The port of Giurgiuleşti, via a system of canals, represents Moldavia's only access to the sea. All around it, though, is void

Aziz's body may come home

18/12/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni Istanbul

Güler Aziz died in September while fighting in Rojava, the predominantly Kurdish region of Syria. His corpse, however, had to await too long before it was able to return home

Slow Food Bulgaria: the “kiselo mlyako” of the Strandzha

14/12/2015 -  Francesco Martino Malko Tarnovo

In the Strandzha mountains, on the border between Bulgaria and Turkey, proud, obstinate producers carry on making “kiselo mlyako” (sour milk), a thousand-year-old tradition