Feature stories

The New Wall and us: One Tea on the Way to Exile

01/09/2015 -  André Cunha (with the collaboration of Móni Bense)

The journey from Syria to Europe, along the Balkan route. In Hungary: apartheid and solidarity. Third Episode

The new wall and us: children who do and don't remember

25/08/2015 -  André Cunha, (with the collaboration of Móni Bense)

Chronicle of a journey along the border between Hungary and Serbia in late June and early July, a week from the building of a new wall in Europe. Second Episode

The new wall and us: Paradise lost

21/08/2015 -  André Cunha (with the collaboration of Móni Bense) Szeged

From the boundary between Hungary and Serbia, where a new wall is being built. The first episode of a reportage

Turkey of refugees, on the Syrian border

03/08/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni Suruç

Akçakale, Suruç, villages and refugee camps on the Syrian border. Last steps of the journey in the Turkey of refugees. Third and final part of the report

Turkey of refugees, among the Yazidis in Diyarbakır

24/07/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni Diyarbakır

In Diyarbakır, southeastern Turkey, there are at least 20,000 refugees, including many Yazidis, who dream of reaching Europe. Second part of the report

Turkey of refugees

17/07/2015 -  Dimitri Bettoni Istanbul

According to the latest UNHCR estimates, approximately 1.770,000 refugees have reached Turkey since 2011 to date. We devote a report to their situation in Istanbul, Diyarbakir, and Urfa. The first episode

Srebrenica, the way back

10/07/2015 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

The commemorations of the twentieth anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide will be taking place in a town where hardly anyone lives any more

The Jerusalem of Bessarabia

30/04/2015 -  Danilo Elia Chişinău

In Chişinău, a tiny Jewish community tries to save its history from oblivion. Half of the ancient capital of Bessarabia used to be inhabited by Jews. One day, in April 1903, the nightmare of pogroms started. Before the Nazis, even before the Shoah, it was in this forgotten city that the century of hatred began

Green energy in Bulgaria: an uneasy success

13/02/2015 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Bulgaria is among the few European countries that have announced the achievement of the objectives of the "Europe 2020" strategy on renewable energy. At the same time, the sector is said to be in crisis and unsustainable. Our report

Under the bombs, in Donetsk

02/02/2015 -  Danilo Elia Donetsk

Bombs have never stopped falling over Donetsk. The January 22nd bombing, when a city trolleybus was hit by mortar fire and 13 people died, is just the latest tragedy