
EU-Balkan Youth Forum

24/11/2021 - 

The EU-Balkan Youth Forum will take place in Rome from 22 to 26 November. It is aimed at young people from the European Union and the Western Balkans, who together will discuss the proposals for the future of Europe and the integration of the Balkans into the EU.

The Forum was conceived by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it is organised in collaboration with the Regional Cooperation Council (Sarajevo), the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (Tirana), Cespi - Centro Studi Politica Internazionale (Rome), and OBC Transeuropa (Trento).


24/11/2021 - 

Cohesion policy, for decades now, has been one of the main instruments of the European Union for promoting economic growth and achieving a more homogeneous level of development across all EU territories, stimulating in particular less developed and depressed regions. The funds set aside for cohesion policy represent almost a third of the total EU budget (392 billion Euros for 2021-2027).
The territories supported by these funds are often vulnerable in a variety of ways, but that doesn’t mean they are not rich in opportunities. Quite the contrary. Thanks to the project Work4Future, we will have the opportunity, using a bottom-up approach, to explore and tell these territories and challenges they face in all countries of South Eastern Europe which are members of the EU, from the valleys of Slovenia to the islands of Greece, focusing particulary on the impact of cohesion policy on employment opportunities.

OBC Transeuropa contributes to the project Work for Future together with Il Sole 24 Ore and ISSiRFA/CNR.


22/10/2021 - 

The DJAS project (Digital Public Sphere: Journalism in the Age of Surveillance) explores the impact of the surveillance society on Italian journalism. By involving institutions, bodies, and professional organisations as well as the public itself, DJAS intends to encourage the journalistic community to reflect on the changes being introduced by the surveillance society.

The project is funded by the Horizon 2020 European research programme and by the Open Society Institute in cooperation with OSIFE/ Open Society Foundations.

Youth and civil society in the Western Balkans

12/10/2021 - 

The project, co-financed by InCE – Central European Initiative and by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, explores the role of civil society and youth organisations in the process of EU enlargement to the Western Balkans by analysing the developments starting from the 2017 Trieste Forum organised within the framework of the Berlin Process.
The project is conducted in partnership between OBC Transeuropa and CeSPI

Youth in the Balkans, resisting the pandemic

23/09/2021 - 

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought health systems to their knees all over the world, particularly affecting the elderly. But in the Balkans, the ensuing economic and social crisis has often had shocking – and hard to ignore – effects on young people as well. In this dossier, produced with the support of the Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat , we take stock of the first year and a half of the pandemic, and explore the post-Covid recovery scenarios for young people in Central and South-Eastern Europe

Ricerca 1 - home page

21/06/2021 - 

#Hashtag Activism: Networks of Race and Gender Justice


How marginalized groups use Twitter to advance counter-narratives, preempt political spin, and build diverse networks of dissent." Presentation of the book: #Hashtag Activism: Networks of Race and Gender Justice", Sarah H. Jackson, Moira Bailey, Brooke Foucault Wells (MIT Press, 2020)

The energy transition in Europe

27/01/2021 - 

A dossier by OBC Transeuropa created in the context of EDJNet, its European project devoted to data journalism.

Politics from Below: Reasserting or Transcending the Democratic Paradigm?


What do recent regional or global trends of mass protests tell us about the state of democracy and authoritarianism and about state-society relations more generally? The Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) Conference 2021 explores the factors shaping recent waves of protest activism. Aron Buzogány (Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien / Freie Universität Berlin), researcher of the TraPoCo network, participates in the panel "Transnational Spaces"
Online 27 - 28 January 2021