The Centre for International Cooperation joins “In Marcia con il Clima ”. Coordinated by Oxfam Italia, the project aims to provide support and resources to young people who, starting from 2018, have begun to make their voices heard regarding the fight against climate change and the protection of the planet.
The operational unit Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) contributes to the activities of "In March with the Climate" within the EDJNet network, producing quality data visualisations, infographics, and journalistic contents that tell the phenomenon in the various territories involved in the project .
The project "WINNING THE NARRATIVE. Reclaiming spaces, building new narratives"addresses the issue of the shrinking spaces of action for civil society with an approach focused on building "new narratives" on the themes of solidarity and hospitality.
The aim of the research is to understand the state of bilateral relations between Italy and a selected group of countries in the region (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia), in order to highlight the acquired background and the future potential for cooperation, renewed in the framework of the European project. The research will end with the elaboration of specific policy recommendations, also in a comparative perspective between the different countries under investigation. Project carried out in collaboration with the Center for International Political Studies (CeSPI). Funded by the MAECI pursuant to art. 23-bis
Students from Trentino become protagonist of dissemination on the Yugoslav wars. From January to April 2020 OBCT cooperates with the Library of the Edmund Mach Foundation by assisting a class of the Agricultural Institute of San Michele all’Adige (TN) in the creation of articles on Italian Wikipedia on various topics related to the Yugoslav wars, with a focus on the Bosnian conflict.
"Rijeka in Flux " is a four-year international research project which aims to investigate the effects on the city of Rijeka of the displacement of the border between Yugoslavia and Italy after the Second World War. The scholars of the historical research team will share the results of their work both through traditional academic channels and using the interactive online map dedicated to Rijeka. The map is also designed as a crowdsourcing tool open to all researchers, witnesses, and citizens who wish to share their knowledge of the city.
"Fake news" or disinformation is one of the most pressing issues of our times. Building on the materials of the Resource Centre on Press and Media Freedom in Europe, OBCT devoted its latest special dossier to this topic
January 2019
Language: English - Italian Authors: Fazıla Mat and Niccolò Caranti