
Job offer

07/06/2019 - 

A fixed-term position is open at the operative unit Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa of the Centre for International Cooperation, for activities to be performed within the framework of the project European Centre for Press and Media Freedom

Appuntamenti euweber

29/05/2019 - 

Seminars Cattedra Jean Monnet "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience"

15 May 2019 - EU Foreign Policy and Resilience
Garcia Ana Elisa Juncos, University Bristol

9 May 2019 - Social Cohesion and Conflict Resilience in Conflict-Affected Societies
Timothy D. Sisk, University of Denver - Colorado

8 May 2019 - 21st Century Challenges, Crises and Changes: when is Democracy Resilient?
Timothy D. Sisk, University of Denver - Colorado

17 April 2019 - Mobilizing at the Periphery of Europe: Social Movements in the Western Balkans
Chiara Milan, University Graz

10 April 2019 - Understanding Power in EU-Russia Relations
Tom Casier, Director Global Europe Centre, University of Kent

27 February 2019 - Global Europe. Navigating Complexity: the EU’s Rationale in the 21st century
Nathalie Tocci, Director dell’Istituto Affari Internazionali - Roma

Video again-never-again

28/05/2019 - 

interviste Euweber

27/05/2019 - 

Video Euweber

24/05/2019 -