
Albanian shots – Luca Panvini

These photographs, taken by Luca Panvini in September, 2007 in northern Albania, are part of a broader photo reportage that began in Kosovo in 2004 and then turned its gaze to the wider Balkan region. For further information:

Kosovo – Luca Panvini

These images are part of a photojournalism project on the Balkans which looked at Kosovo in 2004 and then turned to Bosnia and Albania, focusing on the cooperation activities carried out by the Italian NGO "IPSIA". To explore the whole project go to:

Kukeri – Francesco Martino and Nicola Zambelli

Between tradition and modernity, a “Kukeri” carnival in Bulgaria. Pictures by Francesco Martino and Nicola Zambelli.

In Mitrovica during Kosovo's declaration of independence – Giovanni Cobianchi

Mitrovica: a divided city. Some images from the days following Kosovo's declaration of independence. Pictures by Giovanni Cobianchi.

Georgia – From Svaneti to Tusheti

Discovering Georgia's natural and cultural heritage on a journey through the western and eastern regions of the country. Source:

Masks in Zagreb – Luka Zanoni

Carnival day in Zagreb – Photographs by Luka Zanoni.

Ina Verzivolli – On their way

A train trip in Albania. Photographs by the young Albanian photographer and Rome resident Ina Verzivolli.

Gërdec, after the blast – Mimoza Dhima

An explosion at an ammunition depot in Gërdec, 14 kilometres from Tirana, Albania, in March 2008 left enormous damage in its wake. Pictures by Mimoza Dhima.

Nationalism – Nicola Lott and Andrea Pandini

Some pictures of nationalist protests on the border between Slovenia and Croatia, held on Saturday 26 April 2008.

The Albanian Alps – Andrea Pandini

A group of linguistics researchers, on a mission to collect records of northern Albanian dialects, embark on a fascinating journey through words, stately mountains, and far-flung places. Pictures by Andrea Pandini.

The Women in Black of Srebrenica – Ilaria Scaglia

On the anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, the Women in Black gathered together to ask for "solidarity" and "responsibility" – Pictures by Ilaria Scaglia.

Riding through Kosovo and Albania – Paolo Martino

A father and son set out on a bicycle trip from Pristina to the Albanian shore of Lake Ohrid, passing through Tirana, on a pedal-powered journey of encounters with new people and landscapes. Pictures by Paolo Martino.

Istrian landscapes – Andrea Pandini

Green vineyards and olive groves, historic architecture, country roads, agricultural lands, and the deep blue sea give Istria its unique cultural and environmental heritage. Pictures by Andrea Pandini.

Bratunac, divided memory – Mario Salzano

In Srebrenica, Bosniak people commemorate the 1995 genocide and bury victims who now, after many years, have finally been identified. At the same time in Bratunac, a few kilometres away from Srebrenica, Bosnian Serbs remember their victims too. A Photo reportage by Mario Salzano.

Goli Otok – Anna Da Sacco, Nicola Lott, Andrea Pandini

Goli Otok is a small island, currently part of Croatia, in the northern Adriatic. In July 1949, still part of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, it was chosen as the location for a concentration camp for Tito regime opponents. Pictures by Anna Da Sacco, Nicola Lott and Andrea Pandini.

People without citizenship - Fabrizio Giraldi

They were from other Yugoslav Republics but had been living in Slovenia for years. With Slovenian independence, they lost their rights of citizenship and became the “izbrisani”: the "erased people". Pictures by Fabrizio Giraldi.

Nagorno Karabakh – Matteo Olivieri

A trip to Nagorno Karabakh. Pictures by Matteo Olivieri.

Gorizia-Nova Gorica, the border – Anna Da Sacco

In 2004, Slovenia entered the European Union as a member state. At that point, the border between Slovenia and Italy, once part of the Iron Curtain, became permeable. Today, thanks to the Schengen Agreement, the border is free and open. Pictures by Anna Da Sacco.

Georgia – Matteo Olivieri

A photographic journey to Georgia for a glimpse of the country's art, nature, and new frontiers. Pictures by Matteo Olivieri.

Albania – Giovanni Cobianchi

They were farmers. They lived in the mountains of Dukagjin. Today they are refugees in their own country, outcast and poor. They have found shelter just outside Shkoder. Pictures by Giovanni Cobianchi.

Armenia – Matteo Olivieri

Discovering Armenian monuments located between the capital Yerevan and the country's border with Nagorno Karabakh. Pictures by Matteo Olivieri.

Georgia: from the Black Sea to the Mount Kazbek – Luca Sermoneda

A journey from the Black Sea port of Batumi to the snow-covered peak of Mount Kazbek, a 5,047-meter-high dormant volcano. As legend goes, Prometheus was chained to this mountain because he revealed the secret of fire to mankind. Pictures by Luca Sermoneda.

Monasteries in Armenia – Matteo Olivieri

A trip of discovery into Armenia's religious world, its monasteries, and its ceremonies. Photos by Matteo Olivieri.

Roofs and roads, Turkey – Silvia Pagliacci

It is a world where roads are always under construction and, in the summer, beds move outside to rooftops for sleeping under the starry skies. A photo reportage from Dyiarbikir and Mardin, cities in Turkey's Southeastern Anatolia, a unique region willing to be discovered. Pictures by Silvia Pagliacci.

From bunker to bunker – Mimoza Dhima

Five hundred thousand bunkers from the time of Enver Hoxha's communist regime are still scattered across Albania. Their builders were set on defending Albania from invasions. With a lot of time and a little creativity, some bunkers have been converted into restaurants, others into shelters for the poor. Pictures by Mimoza Dhima.

Georgia – Valerio Tosi Beleffi

October 2008: three months after the war between Georgia and Russia, “Assemblea Teatro”, an historic acting company with an international perspective, brought dancers and buskers to theatres and streets across Georgia. Pictures by Valerio Tosi Beleffi.

Plitvice Lakes – Luka Zanoni

Some views of the astonishing Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. Pictures by Luka Zanoni.

Here and elsewhere – Francesco Pernigo

“Here and Elsewhere”, a project about immigrants in northern Italy, has delivered a multimedia DVD with interviews to 30 new citizens of the Area of Vallagarina in Trentino-Alto Adige region. Pictures by Francesco Pernigo.