
Romanija, from father to son

Father and son in a walk on Romanija mountain, near Sarajevo, traditional training area of the Bosnian climbers. A videoreportage

Vukovar, 20 years after

20 years ago, after the fall of the city of Vukovar, 261 persons who had sought refuge in the city hospital were abducted by the army and the Serb paramilitaries, and taken to a farm near Ovčara. During the night they were killed and thrown into a mass grave. The story of Jelena Zera Gavrić

Bijela, journey to the centre of the earth

Camera: Massimo Moratti

Editing: Davide Sighele

Kosovo spiders

Ten years ago a group of climbers started bolting several walls in Rugova Valley, in western Kosovo. It is then that started the free climbing movement in the country. A video

Adventure in the Rakitnica canyon

A canyon in central Bosnia and the desire for a unique experience in uncontaminated nature. Massimo Moratti, with his video camera, takes on a discovery of the Rakitnica valley. Special thanks to

Sexist advertisement in Chişinău

Sexist advertisements are invading Chişinău, the capital of Moldova. The image of the woman depicted is clear: sexy and beautiful, a good servant for men, a hardworking housewife. Two companies using such advertisement have already been sued. But people still bump into billboards with sexy women all over. A video feature

The Perpetual Theatre of Kosovo

‘The Perpetual Theatre of Kosovo’ is a documenatry film which sheds light upon the political situation in Kosovo by examining a range of factors, including internal politics, the Balkan strategy of Serbia, as well as the roles of international actors, such as the United Nations and the European Union. It is directed by Roberto Valussi. Now at disposal on OBC and


Artan Puto was born in 1969, and he is now an Albanian university researcher; however, people in the streets still recognize him as the star of Tomka and his friends, one of the most popular children’s movies of Albanian cinema. After 30 years, Artan goes back to Kinostudio, the Albanian Hollywood built by Enver Hoxha in 1952. But Kinostudio has changed since those days, and so has the country. An unusual point of view on today’s Albania and on the changes which took place in this country. A documentary film by Micol Cossali and Davide Sighele - OBC production 2009

Treasures to be preserved

Behind each typical product there are people who managed to withstand the regime and the difficult years of transition. Meeting them is often a unique experience. Dessislava Dimitrova is the Head of Slow Food Bulgaria. An interview [March 2011]

Ark of Europe, Recep and Silvia

"Ark of Europe" presents stories of mixed couples from Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia. It is based on the anthropological study carried out by three NGOs in the region: "Real Society Foundation "(Bucharest), Journalist's Association " Balkan Forum" (Bulgaria) and "Youth Forum" (Macedonia). The story of Recep and Silvia, Bulgaria. It is financed by European Cultural Foudnation, Soros Foundation and Romanian National Administration of Cultural Fund. Written by Tanya Mangalakova, camera by Stefan Kostov, edited by Konstantin Kirilov