
Ark of Europe, Todor and Sevinch

"Ark of Europe" presents stories of mixed couples from Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia. It is based on the anthropological study carried out by three NGOs in the region: "Real Society Foundation "(Bucharest), Journalist's Association " Balkan Forum" (Bulgaria) and "Youth Forum" (Macedonia). The story of Todor and Sevinch, Bulgaria.It is financed by European Cultural Foudnation, Soros Foundation and Romanian National Administration of Cultural Fund. Written by Tanya Mangalakova, camera by Stefan Kostov, edited by Konstantin Kirilov

Ark of Europe, Selçuk and Lyudmila

"Ark of Europe" presents stories of mixed couples from Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia. It is based on the anthropological study carried out by three NGOs in the region: "Real Society Foundation "(Bucharest), Journalist's Association " Balkan Forum" (Bulgaria) and "Youth Forum" (Macedonia). The story of Selçuk and Lyudmila, Bulgaria. It is financed by European Cultural Foudnation, Soros Foundation and Romanian National Administration of Cultural Fund. Written by Tanya Mangalakova, camera by Stefan Kostov, edited by Konstantin Kirilov

The descent

Trepça/Trepča, Mitrovica. More than a mine, a metaphor: of hope and development during Yugoslavia, of struggles and tensions in the Milošević era, of crisis and divisions today. A descent into the bowels of Kosovo. Audio by Francesco Martino, photos by Andrea Pandini [December 2010]

The Lion and the Gazelle

Nor Sunnites nor Shiites, heterodox Muslims of nomadic origins and mystical traditions: Turkish Alevis are estimated around 10-15 millions against a total population of 70 millions. Enthusiastic supporters of Atatürk laicism, they were always seen with suspicion by the central authorities and the majority of the population. "The Lion and the Gazelle", a documentary film by OBC. The trailer

Postcards from Albania

Albanian postcards produced by the Italian State firm “Distaptur” during the occupation of the country. The son of the firm's director made the archive available to Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso – September 2010


This year is the 5th anniversary of the European Neighbourhood Policy, which dictates Europe's relations with its closest neighbours. Currently, at least in the middle term, these countries are not striving to be included in the integration process. Five years of increasing relations, although – and on this point the European institutions find themselves in agreement – there is still a lot of work that needs to be done especially in terms of shared values regarding democracy and human rights. A video.[May 2010]

Timişoara, 20 years later

In December 1989, 20 years ago, Timişoara citizens fought alone against the regime of Ceausescu. The memories of Ioan Savu, one of the leaders of that revolution, and professor Miodrag Milin, the first to collect the stories of those days. A videoreportage by Davide Sighele and Francesco Martino

Generation '89

They have no memory of communism and Ceausescu. They were too young to remember, or were not born yet. They are the Generation '89, they look towards the future, they want to change Romania. A videoreportage by Francesco Martino and Davide Sighele

The first president

Philosopher, dissident, politician. Zhelyu Zhelev has been the first Bulgarian president democratically elected after the fall of the Berlin Wall. A videointerview [Bulgaria, 2009]

An Azeri village in Georgia

Our correspondents from Baku and Yerevan, Arzu Geybullayeva and Onnik Krikorian, visited an ethnic Azeri village in Karajala, eastern Georgia. A photo-reportage