
Stari Most divers - Antonello Nusca

23/02/2010 divers, mostar, stari most, bosnian war, bosnia

Timişoara, 20 years later

In December 1989, 20 years ago, Timişoara citizens fought alone against the regime of Ceausescu. The memories of Ioan Savu, one of the leaders of that revolution, and professor Miodrag Milin, the first to collect the stories of those days. A videoreportage by Davide Sighele and Francesco Martino

The other side of Romania – Lorenza Larsen Khurana

09/02/2010 bukovina, maramureş, transylvania, romania

The revolution. Romania, 1989-2009

09/02/2010 romanian revolution, bucharest, 1989, timisoara, romania

Wedding in Karajala – Onnik Krikorian

09/02/2010 karajala, krikorian, georgia

Prespa Lakes – Tanya Mangalakova

09/02/2010 prespa, mangalakova, albania, macedonia

Generation '89

They have no memory of communism and Ceausescu. They were too young to remember, or were not born yet. They are the Generation '89, they look towards the future, they want to change Romania. A videoreportage by Francesco Martino and Davide Sighele

The first president

Philosopher, dissident, politician. Zhelyu Zhelev has been the first Bulgarian president democratically elected after the fall of the Berlin Wall. A videointerview [Bulgaria, 2009]

An Azeri village in Georgia

Our correspondents from Baku and Yerevan, Arzu Geybullayeva and Onnik Krikorian, visited an ethnic Azeri village in Karajala, eastern Georgia. A photo-reportage

Journey in Montenegro - Davide Sighele

24/02/2010 montenegro, travel, sighele