
Korça, Bazaar of the Serenades - Marjola Rukaj


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The descent

Trepça/Trepča, Mitrovica. More than a mine, a metaphor: of hope and development during Yugoslavia, of struggles and tensions in the Milošević era, of crisis and divisions today. A descent into the bowels of Kosovo. Audio by Francesco Martino, photos by Andrea Pandini [December 2010]

The Motorway to the Nation

motorway, Albania, Kosovo, Sali Berisha, infrastructure

Return to Durrës

“The next day, I took my bicycle and camera and I left for the far northern edge of Durrës, near Porto Romano...’" A photo-report by Lasien Vojo

Vukovar, 19 years later- Christian Penocchio

03/12/2010 vukovar, celebrations, memory, yugoslav wars, croatia

Kruja - Marjola Rukaj


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Waiting for the sun to go down - Luka Zanoni

08/11/2010 agriculture, Bosnia, farmers, Mostar, Luka Zanoni

The Lion and the Gazelle

Nor Sunnites nor Shiites, heterodox Muslims of nomadic origins and mystical traditions: Turkish Alevis are estimated around 10-15 millions against a total population of 70 millions. Enthusiastic supporters of Atatürk laicism, they were always seen with suspicion by the central authorities and the majority of the population. "The Lion and the Gazelle", a documentary film by OBC. The trailer

Prokudin-Gorskii collection. Posing, in colour, for the Tsar

The Russian Empire in colour, as it was a century ago, is back again visible to the public thanks to digital technology. The Caucasus as we had never seen it, portrayed by Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, master of images, on a special mission for the last Romanoff. An OBC selection from the digital exhibition recently made available by the Library of Congress


20/09/2010 cartoline, albania