Long-lasting '89. A congress / OBC Events / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

Twenty years have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the event that marked the reunification of Europe, symbolised the promise for lasting peace in the continent, and relaunched the process of European enlargement.
The conference "The long-lasting '89" is devoted to discussing the post-communist transitions in the Balkans and the Caucasus, the expectations stirred by the end of the Cold War, the following disappointments, the ongoing processes of change, and the opportunities for relaunching a common European political project.
The first day will be devoted to reflecting on the long transitions in the two regions, national fragmentations, the return of war into Europe, and the process of European integration. The second day will explore the relationships of solidarity and cooperation between communities and territories formerly divided by the Iron Curtain.

The promoters

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''The long lasting '89'' is a conference promoted by Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso toghether with the Autonomous Region Trentino - South Tirol and Tavolo trentino con il Kossovo, with the support of the Autonomous Province of Trento

The programme

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Panels, speakers, and timetables. Look at the updated programme of the two conference days

Biographical notes

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The biographical notes of the speakers at the international conference «The long-lasting '89»

The introductory paper

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Readers of the website can preview here the introductory paper for Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso's international yearly conference "The long-lasting '89". Trento, November 13th -14th

The photogallery

They have no memory of communism and Ceausescu. They were too young to remember, or were not born yet. They are the Generation '89, they look towards the future, they want to change Romania. A videoreportage by Francesco Martino and Davide Sighele