Short news

Italy: Nello Scavo and too many unanswered questions


For the platform Mapping Media Freedom, the Italian journalist Nello Scavo recalls his story and accuses the Italian government of non answering too many questions: "the silence that comes from unanswered questions was intended to discredit the work of journalists"

UN experts: Bosnia must investigate attacks against woman aiding migrants


Recently, on 5 November, UN human rights experts called on the Bosnian government to investigate a smear campaign and death threats against a woman human rights defender working for the rights of refugees and migrants

Italy: too much violence against journalists during protests


MFRR partners condemn increasing violence against Italian journalists covering anti-lockdown protests

Nagorno Karabakh: information in danger


The partner organisations of the Council of Europe Platform for the promotion of journalism and the safety of journalists express their urgent and deep concern about the ongoing risks of injury and harm to media workers reporting on the armed conflict inside Nagorno Karabakh, and condemn any arbitrary restrictions imposed by state authorities engaged in the conflict because they represent undue interference in the ability of journalists to perform their important role of informing the public through free and independent reporting

Three years after her assassination, still no justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia


19 international media freedom organisations and journalists associations renew their call against impunity in Malta. Here the full text of the call published by the Media Freedom Rapid Response

Compromised independence of Turkey’s institutions chokes press freedom


Eleven international rights groups conclude press freedom mission to Turkey, and findings confirm the worsening of the situation

Montenegro: Jovo Martinovic sentenced by the High Court to one year in prison for drug trafficking


MFRR partners and media freedom organisations condemn the verdict and the entire proceedings. Beyond the violation of Martinovic’s human rights, his prosecution and conviction contribute to a chilling effect on media freedom in Montenegro

Slovenia: OBCT joins IPI's statement condemning brazen use of SLAPP


We believe it is abundantly clear that the number and nature of the spurious defamation lawsuits against Necenzurirano are not aimed at achieving justice, but instead at silencing the outlet by forcing its journalists to fight time-consuming and costly legal battles, draining them financially and discouraging them from further reporting

Malta: Nello Scavo insulted after testifying in the case against Neville Gafà


Upon leaving the hearing, Italian journalist Nello Scavo and Maltese blogger Manuel Delia were insulted by a crowd of people in support of Gafà. ECPMF condemns the insults, recalling that verbal threats from high-profile individuals can lead to acts of violence and send a message of impunity

The needs of journalists: a survey


In order to understand the needs of media workers all over Europe, OBCT is launching a survey inviting to answer to a few questions: journalists, stakeholders and media outlets have the possibility to describe what they are suffering in terms of intimidations and threats