19 July 2021

Journalists and media workers active in the UE Member States and Candidate Countries can apply for support to the program JiR Milan: within the second year of the Media Freedom Rapid Response, OBC Transeuropa and QCode Mag will host a journalist in distress, offering training, covering travel and lodging expenses and promoting their professional skills

Q Code Mag, supported by Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), is launching the second call of the protection programme for media workers, Journalists-in-Residence Programme Milan (JiR Milan), as part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) project funded by the European Union.

The programme includes a six-month residency in Milan complemented with and the development of a tailored practical support plan. Based on the analysis of the needs of journalists at risk gleaned from conducted interviews, Q Code Mag with the support of OBCT, and in collaboration with a wide network of partners, will offer a plurality of support measures including:

– temporary relocation (up to six months) to Milan in an environment seen as a temporary shelter and as an opportunity to rest, and recover and resume journalistic activity in a safe place without fear or censorship

– total coverage of lodging expenses

– monthly stipend

– assistance in digital security (depending on need)

– assistance in legal protection tools (depending on need)

– psychosocial counselling (depending on need)

– professional mentorship and/or training tailored to individual needs, (in fields such as for example, access to information and data, source protection, data management, longform, multimedia, webdoc, video, audio doc, books, visualization (depending on need)

– development of a possible public visibility strategy: publication of the beneficiary’s own work, conferences, webinars, online training, meetings with schools and students, collaboration with media outlets (depending on need/individual availability)

Here all details and application form. Deadline 10 October 2021.