Short news

Turkey, Kavala remains in prison: an international call for his release


According to the decision in the third hearing in the case Gezi Park, Osman Kavala has to remain behind bars. OBCT joins other international organisations to call for his release. The full text of the statement

Media and rights: appeal to the Council of Europe


Greater attention to the issues of press freedom and the protection of journalists: these are the requests of a letter signed by OBCT and other subjects involved in the sector, addressed to the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe Marija Pejčinović Burić

Press freedom in Turkey: the voice of OBCT at the United Nations Human Rights Council


During the 42nd session in Geneva an oral statement was given to address the situation in Turkey, where civil rights and press freedom are endagered while journalists face every kind of threat

48 questions about Europe, data and journalism


The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) launches a survey to understand how data can improve the way journalism reports about Europe

Montenegro: Joint call on the authorities to acquit journalist sentenced to 18 months in prison


OBCT and the undersigned organizations call on the Montenegrin authorities to acquit investigative journalist Jovo Martinović, convicted for marijuana smuggling and criminal association and sentenced to 18 months in prison despite overwhelming evidence that his only links with organized crime were those of a reporter

Joint call on Russia to provide an enabling environment for journalists covering the Moscow protests


OBCT supports a coalition of eight media freedom and journalists’ organisations that are calling on Russian authorities to immediately stop the harassment of journalists who have been covering the recent protests in Moscow. The statement

Gezi Park’s second hearing confirms lack of rule of law in Turkey


OBC Transeuropa co-signed with other human rights and freedom of expression organisations a statement criticizing the interim judicial decision taken in the second hearing of the Gezi Park trial, defined "an act of intimidation”

Turkey: acquitted Erol Önderoğlu, Ahmet Nesin e Şebnem Korur Fincancı


OSCE Media Freedom Representative welcomes today’s acquittal of Turkish journalists Erol Önderoğlu, Ahmet Nesin and human rights defender Şebnem Korur Fincancı

Turkish think-tank report escalates harassment of journalists


OBC Transeuropa and 20 other human rights and freedom of expression organisations condemn a Turkish pro-government think-tank’s report that accuses leading international media of being biased against the government and singles out their correspondents for attack. The organisations regard the report as a dangerous escalation in the harassment of journalists.

Statement in support of journalist Rossen Bossev and Capital


Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa expresses its solidarity with the Bulgarian newspaper Capital and its journalist Rossen Bossev, who was recently sentenced to a fine in a defamation case. They are trusted partners of OBCT, and the cases brought against them highlight some limits with media freedom and the rule of law in the country, which we will continue to follow closely. We republish the statement made by AEJ-Bulgaria on this sentence.