Short news

New fund to support EU investigative journalism launched


A fund of up to €450,000 to support cross-border investigative journalism in the European Union is being launched today by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and the International Press Institute (IPI)

A letter from 38 Nobel Laureates to Erdoğan


38 Nobel Laureates wrote an open letter to the Turkish president to call for the release of writers and intellectuals imprisoned after the 2016 attempted coup. Explicit mention is made of journalists Nazlı Ilıcak and brothers Ahmet and Mehmet Altan

The risk of poverty in Romania and Bulgaria is falling


Over the last decade, Bulgaria and Romania are experiencing a very significant decrease in the risk of poverty and social exclusion. The situation is improving above all in provincial towns.

EFJ mission to Serbia: recommendations for media freedom


Following concerns about the state of media freedom in Serbia expressed by both Serbian journalists and media organisations as well as international organisations and institutions, an international joint fact-finding mission comprised of representatives from the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Press Institute (IPI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) visited Serbia from 18th-19th January 2018.

Is democracy deteriorating in Europe?


Freedom has been decreasing in several European countries over the last decade, according to the new Freedom House report.

The Balkans barely exist for Italian TV news


A new study shows that South-East Europe is completely out of sight for the main TV newsrooms in Italy, except for Greece and Turkey

Xenophobia in European cities


On average, xenophobia is not rising in European cities - according to Eurobarometer. But there are exceptions and noteworthy counter-trends, especially in Southern Europe

Impunity for crimes against journalists, a matter of political will?


Nine crimes against journalists out of ten go unpunished: today, November 2nd, two campaigns are being launched with the hashtags #NoImpunity and #EndImpunity

The first hearing in Turkey's "The Redhack Trial" of six journalists was held on Tuesday


In an interim ruling, the court ordered the release pending trial of Ömer Çelik. The former news editor of the closed pro-Kurdish Dicle News Agency (DIHA) had been in pretrial detention since December 2016 with two other colleagues, Tunca Öğreten, a former editor and investigative reporter of news portal Diken, and Mahir Kanaat, an employee of leftist newspaper BirGün.

Europe is not so safe for journalists


Although journalists work in a relatively safe environment in Europe, and especially in EU countries, they sometimes pay the highest price for doing their job, as the recent murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia showed