Short news

International press freedom groups condemn killing of Maltese investigative journalist


Sixteen press freedom groups condemn the killing of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and demand an immediate and independent investigation into her death

Solidarity is not a crime: the Observatory of the Milan Charter is born


On 30 September 2017 around thirty activists, journalists, jurists, citizens acting in solidarity, members of NGOs and associations met in Milan to set up the Observatory which the 'Milan Charter: solidarity is not a crime' proposed

European challenges: defending journalism, protecting informants


"Defending journalists in danger: solidarity, support and protection". This was the title and the topic of the conference that the European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) – a consortium of which OBC Transeuropa is a founding member – organised in Leipzig on October 5th. An opportunity for international dialogue on a wide-ranging topic such as freedom of expression in the Internet age.

Juncker opens to the Balkans – but only after him


In his speech on the state of the European Union the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker reaffirmed the importance of credible integration prospects for the Western Balkans

Turkey: Cumhuriyet journalists face trial on 24 July


On Monday the trial against 17 journalists and executives of Turkish newspaper Cumhriyet starts in Istanbul, involving charges of supporting terrorist organization. EFJ will be monitoring the proceedings

In memory of Costas Efimeros


Last Tuesday, Greece lost a brave journalist and citizen. The Greek journalist Costas Efimeros died, following a heart attack, at the age of 42

Second measurement of the Media Clientelism Index presented in Brussels


The 7th March 2017, the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs in coopearation with Partnership for Social Development held a public hearing in the European Parliament on “Media Clientelism Index: Measuring Media Realities in Six South East European Countries”

Media freedom in Turkey: 10 years of Erdoğan in power

10 years ago, in the special index relating to press freedom by Freedom House, Turkey was referred to as "partly free" with a result equivalent to 49 (0 indicates the best situation, 100 being the worst). Ten years later it became "not free" and the index rose to 71. An infographic

OSCE: Kosovo neads a commission on murdered and missing journalists


An OSCE conference on safety of the media in South-Eastern Europe adopted several recommendations, including the creation of a commission to investigate cases of murdered and missing journalists in Kosovo

European Parliament: MEPs call for EU-wide protection for whistle-blowers


An “effective and comprehensive European whistle-blower protection programme” should be proposed “immediately” by the EU Commission, urges European Parliament in a resolution voted on Tuesday