Short news

24 International Organizations Call for an End to Russian War Crimes Against Journalists in Ukraine


OBCT joins 23 other civil society organizations to call for an end to Russian war crimes against journalists in Ukraine

Greece: Swift investigations required after two attacks against journalists


OBCT joins journalists’ and media freedom organisations in condemning recent attacks to Greek journalists Giorgos Papachristos and Kostas Vaxevanis

Kosovo: Media freedom groups welcome Klan Kosova court injunction decision


OBCT joins international media freedom organisations in welcoming the decision of the Kosovar Commercial Court blocking the suspension of Klan Kosova business licence

Albania: urgent measures needed to safeguard journalists


OBCT condemns recent attacks against journalists in Albania and calls on authorities to ensure press freedom in the country

Bosnia and Herzegovina: MFRR urges Republika Srpska deputies to not re-criminalise defamation


OBCT joins MFRR partners in urging members of the Republika Srpska National Assembly to reject the amendments on the draft Law to the Criminal Code, which would re-introduce criminal penalties for defamation

Letter to the Italian Justice Minister


The Italian anti-SLAPP WG joins CASE in a transnational Day of Action against SLAPPs, calling on the Italian Minister of Justice for concrete commitment during the EU trialogue negotiations, scheduled to start on July, 12

Media freedom groups call on the EU to prioritise media freedom reforms in relations with Turkey


OBCT joins media freedom and journalists groups in calling on the incoming Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union to place media freedom and fundamental rights at the heart of future relations with Turkey

Italy: call in support of Roberto Saviano, defendant in a SLAPP case initiated by PM Giorgia Meloni


Following the fourth hearing in the SLAPP case initiated by PM Giorgia Meloni against Roberto Saviano, OBCT joins media and journalists' freedom organisations in expressing solidarity with the Italian writer

Kosovo: Media freedom groups raise alarm over Klan Kosova business certificate suspension


OBCT joins international media freedom and journalist organisations in expressing alarm over the suspension of Klan Kosova's business certificate

Italy: International Media freedom groups raise alarm about RAI's independence


OBCT joins media freedom and journalist organisations in expressing their alarm over the recent politically-influenced internal management changes at the Italian public service broadcaster