
Western Balkans: Europe's future mining colony?

28/06/2024 -  Sanja Mlađenović StevićAleksandar Samardjiev

Are the Western Balkans becoming a mine of raw materials needed for the upcoming “green revolution”? Civil society organisations and many citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and North Macedonia answer resolutely: NO! The battle to protect the environment and health continues

Albania: freedom of the press crushed by the weight of politics

28/06/2024 -  Luisa Chiodi

Almost non-existent professional ethics, capture of the media by politics and financial unsustainability are just some of the main issues that make the Albanian media landscape particularly alarming. An interview

Arbër Agalliu and Italians without citizenship

27/06/2024 -  Gianluca De Feo

The Italian-Albanian activist Arbër Agalliu has been advocating for more than a decade for a reform of the obsolete Italian citizenship law, which not only makes life impossible for aspiring Italian citizens, but also makes many young people feel like foreigners in their own country. Our interview

2025 Elections: Albanian Diaspora Calling

26/06/2024 -  Mary DrosopoulosÇelik Rruplli

One year ahead of the next general election, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has embarked on a tour across Europe to make citizens living outside the country “Proud of Albania”. But the issue remains the electoral code, which currently does not allow people to vote from abroad

Transnistria “under blockade”

13/06/2024 -  Giorgio Comai

A media analysis of Transnistria’s main news agency and TV station shows just how insistently local media and politicians talk about being “under blockade”. The expression is exceedingly dramatic. But Chișinău should do more to allay immediate and pragmatic concerns of local residents

North Macedonia, the new government begins to take shape

06/06/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

After the overwhelming victory in the political and presidential elections last May 8, VMRO DPMNE and its new allies are starting to outline the priorities of the new government. The future of the country's European integration, also linked to difficult constitutional reforms, remains a puzzle with a difficult solution

War crimes: slow justice in Serbia

13/06/2024 -  Massimo Moratti Belgrade

For the Serbian leadership, the recent adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution on Srebrenica was unnecessary, as the country has already tried those responsible for war crimes. A careful analysis, however, shows a very different reality

Armenia, church and state battle it out at Sardarapat

31/05/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Though protests against border delimitation and demarcation had started to wane in recent weeks, smaller acts of civil disobedience this week might well have rejuvenated the movement led by a renegade archbishop calling for the Prime Minister’s resignation

Zagreb, development all-round

29/05/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Waste management, post-earthquake reconstruction, urban services: there are various areas in which the administration of the Croatian capital, led by the progressive green coalition "Možemo" (We Can) since 2021, has intervened also thanks to European funds. We talked about it with Luka Korlaet, deputy mayor of Zagreb

Armenia, Pashinyan hails border delimitation as protests set to continue

21/05/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Following a landmark decision by Yerevan and Baku to delimit part of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, efforts towards an agreement to normalise relations move forward despite anti-Pashinyan protests in Yerevan

Migrants: all the doubts about the Rama-Meloni agreement

03/06/2024 -  Erion GjatolliGiovanni Vale

Despite the inconsistencies and uncertainties around the agreement signed between Rome and Tirana for the reception of migrants on Albanian soil, and while awaiting the judgment of the European Court, work on the two centres has already begun in Gjadër and Shëngjin. We went to see how they were progressing

Georgia: why the “Foreign Agents” law now?

17/05/2024 -  Giorgio Comai

The ruling party “Georgian Dream” acts on the basis of the obsessions of its founder, billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili, who sees threats to his interests coming from the West and from a potential change of government. The risk is an authoritarian turn, not a pro-Russian course

BiH, the public service on the brink of collapse

17/05/2024 -  Darko Kurić Sarajevo

The public service in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in increasingly dire straits. In the absence of real reform, the lack of a sustainable financing mechanism has caused tensions to explode between two of the three public broadcasters

Armenia, clergy-led protests in Yerevan call for Pashinyan's resignation

14/05/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Between 20 and 30 thousand demonstrators, led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, protested in the Armenian capital to oppose the current demarcation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, following the Nagorno Karabakh war, and to demand the resignation of the prime minister

Moldova-Transnistria: a window of opportunity for the protracted conflict?

29/04/2024 -  Bernardo Venturi

The first Moldova Reintegration Forum has been a new occasion to debate some of the issues that for many years have shaped the protracted conflict with Transnistria. In the changing regional context, however, old issues emerge under a different light, opening a window of opportunity for moving forward

Croatia elections: possible scenarios

24/04/2024 -  Dimitri Bettoni

A dialogue with Toni Gabrić, editor in chief of the Croatian independent media H-Alter

Turkish TV series: a global success

22/04/2024 -  Kenan Behzat Sharpe

In recent decades, Turkish television series have experienced astonishing success, becoming one of the country's most significant economic and cultural exports. If they sell abroad, however, TV series are subjected to ever-increasing government pressure

Romania, deforestation alert

18/04/2024 -  Laura Popa

Coal Mining Expansion Leads to Deforestation: Over 470 Hectares of Forest Cut Down in Gorj, Romania. At the same time, Romania has committed itself, through the NRP, to phasing out lignite and hard coal energy production and to the phased closure of mines by December 2032

North Macedonia, media and public funds

21/03/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

In view of the upcoming political and presidential elections, the Macedonian government has reintroduced forms of public funding for the media. However, the country's media organisations argue that the move may aggravate the influence of political interests on news outlets

Private universities in Greece, education and democracy

15/03/2024 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

Last March 8, the Greek parliament approved a law that enables the creation of private universities: a provision that divides the country, bringing the right to education and democracy back under the spotlight

Croatia, Plenković against the European Prosecutor's Office

14/03/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Post-earthquake European funds awarded without tender: according to a journalistic investigation, this is embezzlement. This is where an open conflict arises between the European Prosecutor's Office and Croatian Prime Minister Plenković, which risks having repercussions also on the upcoming legislative elections

EU funds: absorption difficulties persist

12/03/2024 -  Maura Madeddu

A study by the European Parliament examined the use of cohesion funds in the seven-year period 2014-2020, highlighting a decrease in absorption rates. It is necessary to reform the administrative system at national level and simplify the rules governing cohesion policy

Ćerimagić: Regional cooperation to be linked to EU membership

11/03/2024 -  Gentiola Madhi

The EU has invested considerable efforts in stimulating regional cooperation in the Balkans over the last decades, yet the results are questionable. Which are the reasons behind such slow progress and where does Bosnia and Herzegovina stand? We talked about it with Adnan Ćerimagić analyst at ESI

North Macedonia: politics and toxic communication

04/03/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

According to a recent study, public discourse in North Macedonia is saturated with toxic narratives: these are spread not only by political parties and characters, but also by the media, often incapable of carrying out their role as a filter and guarantor towards the public

Greece, historic legalisation of same-sex marriages

22/02/2024 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

Greece has made history by becoming the first Orthodox-majority country to legalise same-sex marriage. A step that comes after a long journey, marked by strong opposition from the Church and conservative forces in the country

North Macedonia, education system in disarray

15/02/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

Among many problems, North Macedonia is trying to reform its education system, adapting it to the challenges of the present. The results, however, at least for now, remain disappointing

Armenia, Pashinyan pushes for new constitution, opposition screams foul

15/02/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan plans to change the country's constitution. According to some, any new constitution is linked to a potential peace agreement with Azerbaijan. The opposition, however, stands firm and screams foul

Snap elections and “snapping” victory - Azerbaijan’s most embarrassing election to date

09/02/2024 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

Despite there being ample evidence that President Ilham Aliyev would have won in a snap presidential election on February 7, throughout the day, journalists and independent observers reported the same old election violations and fraud tactics that were in place

Why the Romanian state is not attracting more EU funds, even though it needs the money

06/02/2024 -  Laura Popa

Since 2007, the year Romania entered the EU, over 62 billion euros have flowed into the country from the EU. There could have been more, but the Romanian state failed to attract them all. Why?

North Macedonia, new elections coming

05/02/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

With the election of a technical and guarantee government, new parliamentary elections will be held in North Macedonia next May. The next parliament will have the difficult task to review the Constitution to relaunch the country's European path