
Georgia: a mountain woman

04/01/2018 -  Tekle Kveladze

The story of Mariam Kochashvili, 21, shepherd at her village in the Pshavi mountains and student of the last year of medicine in the capital

China in the Balkans, "firmly in play in the coming years"

28/11/2017 -  Francesco Martino

Chinese presence in the Balkans is rapidly growing, mainly through its "Belt and Road Initiative" - the new Silk road linking East and West - which brings opportunities but also risks to the region. An interview with the financial analyst Jens Bastian

‘I will not go back’ — The Syrians making a new life in Armenia

13/11/2017 -  Armine Avetisyan

Over 17,000 Syrian-Armenians have fled to Armenia over the past five years. While many expected this to be a temporary move, they are now setting down firm roots in the country

Go East: home is where joy is

25/10/2017 -  Lidija Pisker Sarajevo

More and more professionals from the Western Balkans choose to seek a better life by going east – opting for countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland

Meet the new Greek craftswomen

18/10/2017 -  Elvira Krithari

After ten years of economic crisis, many women in Greece have begun to explore alternatives to make their living, revaluing traditional handicraft activities from the previous decades

The Balkans: an increasingly popular tourist destination

28/08/2017 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Where new developments in European tourism are concerned, the substantial and steady growth of the Balkans as a destination for vacations and travel is one of the most significant trends in recent years

Ukraine, the amber republic

14/08/2017 -  Oleksiy Bondarenko

Some of the world's largest amber deposits are located on Ukrainian territory. Extraction is in the hands of criminal organisations, and institutions are hesitant or connivant – meanwhile, the environment is devastated

Sofia, a growing tourist destination

28/07/2017 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Sofia is enjoying a tourism boom, especially thanks to the ever-increasing number of low-cost flights. The economy benefits from it, but a long-term sustainable tourism strategy is still missing

EU Enlargement: A Six Percent Target for the Western Balkans

05/07/2017 -  Tobias FlessenkemperDušan Reljić

The structural economic weakness of the Western Balkans is likely to become a political problem, but the EU so far has not addressed it adequately in its Enlargement policy. A commentary

Turkish labor unions under AKP rule


The relations between state insititutions and unions in Turkey, discussed by Işıl Erdinç (Université Paris Dauphine), Andreas Guidi and Elif Becan

Summer in Greece: a glimpse into the backstage

29/06/2017 -  Elvira Krithari Athens

Tourism in Greece is the driving force behind the economy. Many, even with higher education, seek opportunities in this industry, often falling to painful compromises with their rights

A plan to strengthen the social dimension of Europe

24/05/2017 -  Sara Gradilone

The European Commission's proposal to create a European Pillar of Social Rights is a step towards an integrated and coherent framework on social rights at the European level. This will also provide member states with a frame of reference for developing their own individual policies

Civil Service in Kosovo: legal inconsistences and clientelist networks

27/04/2017 -  Katarina Tadić

Legal loopholes and clientelism affect the public administration sector in Kosovo, jeopardiziong its functioning and development

A New Town in Socialist Yugoslavia in comparative perspective


Socialist towns in Yugoslavia: Ana Kladnik discusses with Andreas Guidi the case of Velenje in Slovenia

Konstantina Kuneva: for an inclusive European society

28/04/2017 -  Gilda Lyghounis

Cleaners, care-givers, baby-sitters: 9 out of 10 are women, often exploited. MEP Konstantina Kuneva, who was personally attacked for her activism, now fights for female workers' rights in Europe

Sustainable tourism in Armenia

20/03/2017 -  Marilisa Lorusso

While the United Nations designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Armenia is struggling to manage and make the best out of the potential of this sector

Last harvest looming for Albanian farmers along pipeline route

25/01/2017 -  Bankwatch

Numerous farmers and land owners in Albania feel they are sidelined by Europe’s dash for gas

Lost childhood: Syrian children in Turkey

24/01/2017 -  Fazıla Mat

It is estimated that in Turkey one Syrian minor in ten is working to provide for the family. A situation that threatens to cancel an entire generation. An analysis

Social inclusion and the integration of refugees in the labour market

12/01/2017 -  Sergio Cebrián

Finding work for refugees is key for their integration into the EU. But neither national governments nor EU institutions have yet been able to find an adequate response to this question

Bosnia Herzegovina for sale

02/11/2016 -  Željana Grubišić

Massive land and real estate sale to foreign nationals in the central Balkan country points to growing corruption and brings little benefit to the country

Squeezing blood out of a turnip

23/08/2016 -  Besnik BoletiniBesa Kalaja

The support of the Ministry of Agriculture with grants for farmers in Kosovo has not produced the desired result. Often leading to abuses and injustice. An investigation

Serbia promisses clean, while investing into dirty energy

08/08/2016 -  Milica Šarić

Serbia has taken a commitment to produce energy from renewable sources, but it is building a new block of Kostolac B thermal power plant which will be using lignite coal

Terra Madre Balkans, the voice of farmers in Tirana

01/08/2016 -  Erion Gjatolli Tirana

The fourth edition of "Terra Madre Balkans", held in early June in Tirana, focused on challenges and hopes of small farmers in the region

Renewable energy in the Balkans: enough bad

20/07/2016 -  Matteo Tacconi

Despite the commitments defined by the Energy Community Treaty, most of the investments in the energy sector in the Western Balkans are still directed to coal plants

Ukraine: healthcare and informal payments

19/07/2016 -  Abel PoleseTetiana Stepurko

The healthcare sector in Ukraine is in crisis: low quality, stagnant reforms and dwindling budgets. Is it the result of a widespread habit to pay doctors under the table?

The growing influence of global media in Serbia

12/07/2016 -  Bojan Vučićević

Media Observatory explores the entry and impact of global news media, such as Sputnik and N1, in the Serbian media market

The EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: the fatigues of the process

25/05/2016 - 

In October 2014, the EU launched its Macro-Regional Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian area, EUSAIR. One year later, OBC and CeSPI analysed its first steps, challenges and opportunities, in the frame of the project “The Adriatic-Ionian macro-region: a hurdle process. The start of the Adriatic-Ionian Regional Strategy in the perspective of Italian foreign policy and the European integration of the Western Balkans”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).

Elderly Bulgarians: the lost generation

15/02/2016 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Bulgaria is the EU country with the highest rate of elderly people at risk of poverty, isolation and social exclusion. Our report

Greece: Russian Tourists Wanted

05/01/2016 -  Gilda Lyghounis

Greece has the opportunity to attract Russian tourists seeking an alternative to the Turkish and Egyptian beaches. The Hellenic bureaucracy, though, appears incapable of accepting the challenge

Giurgiuleşti, the port in a void

30/12/2015 -  Francesco Brusa

The port of Giurgiuleşti, via a system of canals, represents Moldavia's only access to the sea. All around it, though, is void