
Starting afresh from biodiversity, from the Netherlands to Slovenia

20/12/2021 -  Redazione

The "Week of Cities and Regions" discussed biodiversity and sustainability starting from the experiences of two European territories

Albania and post-Covid19: a look at rural life

12/11/2021 -  Gentiola Madhi

In a space suspended between the digital world and real life in the Covid-19 era, a young Albanian woman returns to her homeland to promote agricultural development, traditions, and equal opportunities in the rural sector

Europe: Gigabits for some, but not for others

25/10/2021 -  Federico Caruso

The cost of a good internet connection varies widely within the European Union, with countries around the Adriatic paying the most. Meanwhile, Romania, with a world-class network and competitive prices, is a case apart

Azerbaijan: the offshore family

22/10/2021 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The information leaked by the Pandora Papers shows, once again, the enormous wealth hidden abroad by Azerbaijan's ruling elite. But the latter denies it and media like la Repubblica provide them with a megaphone to cry conspiracy

“VivaBiH”: vegans in Bosnia and Herzegovina

01/11/2021 -  Nicola Dotto

“VivaBiH” is the first registered organisation fighting for animal rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 2016, through projects and media campaigns, it has pursued the complete abolition of systems that exploit any animal, promoting veganism. An interview

The new common agricultural policy: green or greenwashing?

05/10/2021 -  Ornaldo Gjergji

After almost two years of negotiations, last June the European Parliament and the Council reached an agreement for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), with several novelties and strong criticisms

Census in Croatia: certification of the population decline

13/09/2021 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

"Croatia is aging, this is the message that the census will give us. But this will not alarm the government which, like a firefighter, is just going to put out the fires". On the day of the start of the general census in Croatia, we interviewed demographer Marin Strmota

Turkey: tea harvesting

In the territories bordering the Black Sea in Turkey, tea is harvested three times a year, in May, July and September. A photo-reportage

EXIT 2021: a reckless slap in the face of the pandemic?

21/07/2021 -  Nicola Dotto Belgrade

The “EXIT” music festival, the first major mass event in Serbia after over a year of pandemic, has just ended. Despite the strict protocol of procedures and controls, the country is wondering whether the mega-rally was actually needed

EU and climate change: a lot of funds, few results

06/07/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

As part of the Common Agricultural Policy, the European Union spent 100 billion Euros to combat climate change between 2014 and 2020. But these funds, which make up half of the entire EU budget earmarked for the fight against climate change, have not led to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

Kanal Istanbul, Erdogan's dream of a new Bosphorus

25/05/2021 -  Filippo Cicciù Istanbul

Turkish President Erdogan seems ready to launch the "crazy" project of Kanal Istanbul – the artificial canal that should "double" the Bosphorus – despite concerns about the possible environmental and geopolitical impact. The report by our correspondent

Croatia: the plan for the future

20/05/2021 -  Toni Gabrić

Recently, the Croatian government presented a summary of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. This document is crucial for obtaining 49,08 billion kuna (6,5 billion Euros) from the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility to overcome the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and of earthquakes which hit Croatia last year

Four ways of looking at European cross-border rail links

12/04/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

According to absolute numbers, Central Europe can count on the most cross-border train connections on the continent. What happens, however, if we take into account the length of each country’s borders and their population sizes?

More and more trains crossing European borders

29/03/2021 -  Gianluca De FeoLorenzo Ferrari

A dense network of cross-border rail connections cuts through the continent, and it’s set to expand even further in the coming years thanks to new infrastructure and the birth of the European single rail market. However, there are still profound differences between the central and peripheral regions of Europe

Where do we stand on the road to a European Gigabit Society?

25/03/2021 -  Federico Caruso

The road towards universally accessible ultra-fast connectivity in Europe still seems long and bumpy

Food alerts in Europe: from Polish chickens to Indian sesame seeds

16/03/2021 -  Gianluca De Feo

Last year, more than half of the alerts issued by the EU's Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed concerned products from non-EU countries. If these countries are unable to adapt their production chains to EU food safety regulations over the next few years, the risks to European citizens will continue to grow.

China and Central-Eastern Europe, "17+1" at the end of the line?

23/03/2021 -  Francesco Martino

It was created in 2012 to foster economic cooperation between China and Central-Eastern Europe. After the last edition, held online with disappointing results, the "17+1" initiative appears to be in decline, so much so that some analysts openly question its survival

The impact of EU funds on Covid-19 crisis management

03/03/2021 - 

Before the implementation of additional allocations such as the recovery fund, one of the first instruments put in place by the EU was the possibility for states to redirect their own European funds to deal with the Covid-19 crisis. Let's see how this process played out, in Italy and in other countries

The migrant pay gap

02/03/2021 -  Roberta Bertoldi

The latest ILO report shows that migrant workers have more precarious contracts and earn 13 percent less on average than domestic workers, for equal work. This gap is widening, and is particularly stark for female migrants

Serbia between China and Europe

26/02/2021 -  Vukašin Obradović Belgrade

China’s influence in Serbia is growing. In its recent report, the European Parliament expressed concern about the lack of transparency and environmental and social impact assessment of Chinese investments and loans in Serbia and across the Western Balkans

Plastic waste: Europe is not recycling enough

05/02/2021 -  Antoine de Ravignan

As a result of more stringent standards, recycling of plastic packaging is set to fall in the EU. Without better industrial capacity, the EU will not reach its 50% target in five years' time. And illegal exports are likely to increase

"One Coin", story of the cryptocurrency that deceived the world

29/12/2020 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Bulgarian entrepreneur Ruja Ignatova wanted to "bury BitCoin" and created a new cryptocurrency that was to change the world: "OneCoin". Behind her sparkling dream, however, there was a scam for four billion dollars, which disappeared along with Ignatova herself

Matteo Moretti: Design and European Data Journalism


Matteo Moretti, designer and founder of, explains his approach to journalism, with a special attention to visual journalism, interactive and responsive products, and informative experiences. He reflects upon the potential and challenges of data journalism in covering issues such as COVID-19 and the climate crisis.

Online ads know you well

09/12/2020 -  Federico Caruso

Online advertising is based on the collection and sharing of user data, a system which rests mostly in a few powerful hands, including Google. Privacy and data protection are at issue, and Europe is debating what action should be taken

Croatia: How to use EU funds?

23/12/2020 -  Toni Gabrić

Croatia is expected to receive a good wealth of EU funds in the coming years. However, the strategic priorities doesn't appear very bold and clear, and the plan for the use of the Recovery Fund is not ready yet

Between international crises and domestic controversies: Italy's relations with Russia

18/11/2020 -  Marco Siddi

Post-Soviet Russia has become an important trade and energy partner for Italy. After the Ukrainian crisis, (geo)political divergences have greatly affected bilateral relations

Belarusian Information Technology moves to Kiev

12/11/2020 -  Martina Napolitano

Following the protests and the dramatic repression by the regime in Belarus, many decide to leave the country – including many computer scientists who are leaving for neighbouring Ukraine

What will the Euro effect be in Croatia?

13/10/2020 -  Toni Gabrić

The most realistic date for the introduction of the Euro in Croatia is January 1st, 2024, but what does the introduction of the single currency entail? And what do Croatian economists think?

Can the green transition help in solving fiscal and monetary divergencies in the EU?

10/09/2020 -  Petter Aspestrand

The COVID-19 pandemic may have opened a window of opportunity for the European Union to strengthen its fiscal cohesion and to put the climate transition on the right track

Kosovo, the coronavirus and the crisis of the wedding industry

17/08/2020 -  Arta Berisha Pristina

Due to the pandemic and the emergency measures, many couples in Kosovo have postponed the wedding or given up on the traditional grand celebrations, with a significant financial impact on the wedding industry and related businesses