European Union

Oblivion and doubts

28/05/2009 -  Francesco Martino Bucharest

"We have not managed to deal with the legacy of communism in a clear way and this is not only a source of confusion, but also of frustration". The events of 1989, an ambiguous revolution, the Romanians and Europe. An interview with Mircea Vasilescu

A pass to paradise

08/05/2009 -  Iulian Lungu Chişinău

Following the post-electoral violence in Moldova, Romanian authorities approved an urgent act which simplifies the procedures to obtain Romanian citizenship. Despite the tough reactions of Chişinău's authorities, thousands of Moldovans rushed to apply for a Romanian passport

How to do well?

20/03/2009 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On 22 March, Macedonian citizens will go to the polls to elect a new president and new local governments. If Macedonia runs a good election, it might hope to get a date to start accession talks with the EU, perhaps by the end of 2009. But if the election doesn't go well, Macedonia can forget about it

Far away, so close?

13/03/2009 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Just before the start of the electoral campaign, Macedonian prime minister Gruevski announced a massive plan to invest in infrastructures. Little resources, though, seems to have been allocated to revive the "European Corridor 8", meant to link the Adriatic to the Black Sea

Happiness is... multiple pipelines

06/03/2009 -  Leila Alieva* Baku

The war in Georgia and the recent gas crisis with Ukraine have revived Europe's willingness to develop the Nabucco pipeline, an alternative transit route for gas imports from the Caspian Sea basin that would bypass Russia

The fall

04/03/2009 -  Andrea Rossini

The end of division in Europe, the end of Yugoslavia, the advent of globalisation: an interview with Rada Ivekovic. A new article in the series on European identity, the new system of international relations and the memory of communism in the first 20 years after 1989

Surviving Reunification

18/02/2009 -  Andrea Rossini

From the fall of the Berlin Wall to the European integration process, via the dissolution of Yugoslavia. The controversial heritage of Communism in Europe, made of nostalgia, social injustice and demand for security. An interview with Slavenka Drakulić

After Lajčák

29/01/2009 -  Wolfgang PetritschChristophe Solioz

A proposal for a new partnership between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union. Among its key features, a change of the consitutional structure, an effort to put an end to international dependence, and the development of a process of cooperation in the Western Balkans

Balkan Reflections

22/01/2009 -  Tomas Miglierina Bruxelles

On 8 February 2009, Switzerland will decide by referendum whether or not to approve an agreement with the European Union which would extend to Bulgaria and Romania the right of free movement of persons through its territory. For the two Balkan countries, the vote, especially if negative, will test the strength of European solidarity

Slovenia's Hard Line

22/12/2008 -  Stefano Lusa Capodistria

Slovenia quietly blocked Croatia's accession into the European Union (EU), because of a few kilometres of disputed land and maritime border in the Piran bay. The relations between the two countries are tenser than ever before. The EU headquarters is trying not to take sides

Dial M for Multiculturalism

18/12/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The government of Skopje is trying hard to pay respect to diversity. Some analysts argue that, despite a difficult start, Macedonia remains the only viable example of successful ethnic co-existence in the Balkans. This may also be an exaggerated statement, but it is worth thinking about it

Storm in a Teacup

28/11/2008 -  Drago Hedl Osijek

The diplomatic battle which started after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accepted jurisdiction in the charge of genocide raised by Zagreb against Belgrade, has abated. According to many Croatian analysts, it would have been better had the court not accepted the task

From Here to Eternity

12/11/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The European Commission reports on acceding countries published last week did not bring any big surprises in Macedonia. The major news was already known - the country was not granted a date to start negotiations with Brussels

Union of Minorities

22/10/2008 -  Andrea Rossini

Conditions of the Slovene minority in Italy and the Italian minority in Slovenia after Ljubljana's entry into the European Union (EU). An interview with Bojan Brezigar, a journalist and advisor to outgoing Slovenian Foreign Minister, Dimitrij Rupelj

The Rites and Myths of Trieste

07/10/2008 -  Gian Matteo Apuzzo

In Trieste, history has a problem being history. It is often a myth, quite often even a rite. If the past could actually produce history in this land, Trieste could make a step forward. And, it could think without fear, that it has always been a city of the border

Between Dialogue and Transition

30/09/2008 -  Francesco Martino

The role of the UN mission after Kosovo's declaration of independence, the relationship with the European mission EULEX, the dialogue process with Belgrade and Pristina, the situation in the area north of Mitrovica. An exclusive interview with Lamberto Zannier, new head of UNMIK

My Personal Karadžić

28/07/2008 -  Zlatko Dizdarević

The lives of those he buried do not count. Justice does not count. Soldier Radovan Karadzic was sacrificed for the greater interest of Serbia and Europe. Now he can retire. Between the excitement and the bitterness of a sleepless night, Zlatko Dizdarevic remembers his encounters with the detainee

Crime Novel

19/06/2008 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

How was organized crime in Bulgaria born and how did it develop over recent years? Who are its protagonists? And what was its response to the challenges posed by the entry of the country into the EU? An interview with Tihomir Bezlov, senior analyst of the Center for the Study of Democracy

Elections and Violence. Can Macedonia Rise to the Challenge?

19/05/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Just a few days into the campaign ahead of 1 June early elections, Macedonia is under serious temptation.The election campaign which officially started 10 May has been marred by incidents and violence since the very beginning. Macedonia has very little time to correct things

EULEX inside UNMIK, too late?

23/04/2008 -  André Cunha Pristina

Major General Raul Cunha, Chief Military Liaison Officer of UNMIK, is very critical towards the "incoherence of the Western international community" in Kosovo. He focuses his criticisms on the way EULEX is preparing to start its work and argues that the UN will have to stay longer, at least in Serb-dominated areas

Italian - Slovene Commission: Toward Shared History

22/04/2008 -  Chiara Sighele

From 1993 to 2000 Italian and Slovene scholars have worked on a volume about the relations between their two countries. Eight years have passed but the Commission's work has not yet been properly distributed

Clouds over Macedonia

09/04/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

It finally did happen. Greece vetoed Macedonia's invitation to join the Alliance at NATO's last week Bucharest summit. The hum of frantic diplomatic activity over the last months ended in a single tone of bitterness

Indipendence Day, Macedonia stays calm

21/02/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In the few days following Kosovo's declaration of independence, Macedonia remains calm. But for how long? February 17 was greeted differently by the country's two major communities. Whereas Macedonians exercised restraint, Albanians rejoiced

The Human Toll of Keeping Peace

11/02/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In Macedonia, sending troops abroad has become business, or rather politics, since everybody understands the political imperative of pleasing Nato and the Eu. Yet, as the country learned recently, with the death of 11 peacekeepers on their way back home, some will never return

An uneasy choice, name or Nato?

04/01/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As time to the NATO summit in Bucharest closes in the 16-years long dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece over the name "Macedonia" is entering a critical phase. Both sides increase speed, but without compromise, the crash seems inevitable

Another Brick in the Wall?

29/01/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The latest enlargement was greeted with not much fuss in Macedonia. Life goes on and very few politicians responded with statements or analyses. Bulgaria, being closer, receives more attention. Romania is already far away

Another Brick in the Wall?

29/01/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The latest enlargement was greeted with not much fuss in Macedonia. Life goes on and very few politicians responded with statements or analyses. Bulgaria, being closer, receives more attention. Romania is already far away

Kosovo, no longer and not yet

11/05/2007 -  Anonymous User

Since 1999, Kosovo has been experiencing an "interval in time which is altogether determined by things that are no longer and by things that are not yet. In history, these intervals have shown more than once that they may contain the moment of truth". The question is how to face this moment of truth, and it is tightly linked to standards and status

EU and Macedonia: Do People Make Changes?

11/10/2006 -  Risto Karajkov

''Do not change people to make changes'' said recently the EU to Macedonia. Along with support and encouragement for the new government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, the political leadership of the country has started to receive its first warnings and disapprovals from Europe

Macedonia: The Importance of an Election Year

19/06/2006 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As election frenzy rises with the approaching of the general elections in Macedonia, one thing is clear - a lot depends on them. On 5 July voters will go to the polls to elect the new parliament. Things have to go smoothly this time