European Union

An uneasy choice, name or Nato?

04/01/2008 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As time to the NATO summit in Bucharest closes in the 16-years long dispute between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece over the name "Macedonia" is entering a critical phase. Both sides increase speed, but without compromise, the crash seems inevitable

Another Brick in the Wall?

29/01/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The latest enlargement was greeted with not much fuss in Macedonia. Life goes on and very few politicians responded with statements or analyses. Bulgaria, being closer, receives more attention. Romania is already far away

Another Brick in the Wall?

29/01/2007 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The latest enlargement was greeted with not much fuss in Macedonia. Life goes on and very few politicians responded with statements or analyses. Bulgaria, being closer, receives more attention. Romania is already far away

Kosovo, no longer and not yet

11/05/2007 -  Anonymous User

Since 1999, Kosovo has been experiencing an "interval in time which is altogether determined by things that are no longer and by things that are not yet. In history, these intervals have shown more than once that they may contain the moment of truth". The question is how to face this moment of truth, and it is tightly linked to standards and status

EU and Macedonia: Do People Make Changes?

11/10/2006 -  Risto Karajkov

''Do not change people to make changes'' said recently the EU to Macedonia. Along with support and encouragement for the new government of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, the political leadership of the country has started to receive its first warnings and disapprovals from Europe

Macedonia: The Importance of an Election Year

19/06/2006 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

As election frenzy rises with the approaching of the general elections in Macedonia, one thing is clear - a lot depends on them. On 5 July voters will go to the polls to elect the new parliament. Things have to go smoothly this time

Macedonian Telecom: Can't Let Go

19/12/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

A citizen from Skopje climbed a telephone post last month and cut the wire. A final individual act of bitter resentment against the monopolistic behavior of Macedonian Telecom. This is but the most radical of citizens' outcries against the arrogant conduct of the Telecom over the past 4 years in Macedonia

Macedonian Telecom: Can't Let Go

19/12/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

A citizen from Skopje climbed a telephone post last month and cut the wire. A final individual act of bitter resentment against the monopolistic behavior of Macedonian Telecom. This is but the most radical of citizens' outcries against the arrogant conduct of the Telecom over the past 4 years in Macedonia

Candidate Status for Macedonia

15/11/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On 9 November 2005, 19 months after the Macedonian government submitted the application for membership, and 9 months after the submission of the EU questionnaire to Brussels, the EU issued an opinion recommending candidate status for Macedonia

Candidate Status for Macedonia

15/11/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On 9 November 2005, 19 months after the Macedonian government submitted the application for membership, and 9 months after the submission of the EU questionnaire to Brussels, the EU issued an opinion recommending candidate status for Macedonia

Macedonia and Greece Name Dispute: 15 Years On

03/10/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Since 1991, when declared its independence under the name "Republic of Macedonia", the young Balkan state has been struggling with Greece, which claims the name cannot be used, sinche is essential part of his historical heritage. After almost 15 years, the dispute is still unresolved

Macedonia: The Turkish Enlargement

24/01/2005 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The December 2004 Summit of the EU was marked by the historic decision to commence membership negotiations with Turkey; still the timeline implied for their completion goes quite beyond 2012. How about Macedonia then? When can she expect to join?

Macedonian Referendum. What's the Time?

03/11/2004 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

On 7 November Macedonians will go out to the polls to support or reject the new law on territorial boundaries.Voices coming from the joint opposition say that these new territorial arrangements create the possibility for the claim of the Greater Albania, the government answers that the success of the referendum would mean "NO" to Europe