
A bitter government coalition in Kosovo

11/12/2014 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

After years of extreme hostility, PDK and LDK strike a power sharing deal creating a government which will have to tackle the huge unemployment problem, and make progress on the normalisation of relations with Belgrade

Kosovo: the court says that the court is legal

09/12/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Can the judges of the Constitutional Court in Kosovo take part in decisions on matters that affect them directly? Of course they can. A comment

Kosovo: looking for a Parliament

03/12/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Kosovo's political crisis has been solved bypassing its democratic institutions, namely the Parliament, making the State weaker in the long term

Edi Rama, the insults on Serbian media

21/11/2014 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama mentioned Kosovo's independence during his historic visit to Belgrade. It was enough for Serbian media to start a smear campaign against him

The Kosovo progress report: no accountability, no future

22/10/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

The decision to hand over the judicial system to domestic authorities, cutting Eulex’s mandate before its objectives were achieved, will not help Kosovo in the long term. Analysis of the recent EC report

Kosovo: the small coup d'état

15/10/2014 -  Lorenzo Andrea Capussela

These days local media claim that Kosovo's president is planning to dissolve the Assembly if the two opposing political sides will not find an agreement on the election of the Assembly president. For Andrea Lorenzo Capussela it would be a small coup d'état

Serbia: media in the storm

09/10/2014 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

The abolition of "Utisak Nedelje", a popular political talk show broadcast on B92 TV and directed by Olja Bećković, caused a true storm among Serbian journalists. But this is not the only programme gone missing from the schedules

SOS: Dispatches from Azerbaijan

08/10/2014 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The Caviar diplomacy continues to be successful. The alarm messages arriving form Azerbaijan on systematic violations of human rights in the country are constantly dropping into the void

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a rich country

09/10/2014 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

After the enlargement stop set by President Juncker, some fear the risk of a Turkish scenario for the Western Balkans, i.e. negotiations that never end. Renzo Daviddi, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, thinks different. Interview

The cats of a US constitutional judge in Kosovo

26/09/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

The US judge Robert Carolan, appointed by the ICO to serve in the Kosovo Constitutional Court, has withdrawn his recently announced resignations. Given his previous record, this may not be good news for the Kosovo judiciary

The remarkable but dangerous fantasy of Kosovo’s president

12/09/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

By illegally appointing three constitutional judges, the Kosovo president breached the constitution. If the EU delegation supported the president’s decision, it gave her bad advice

Turkey and Armenia: the threads of diplomacy

09/09/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

Relations between Ankara and Yerevan have recently taken small steps towards a reconciliation all too long waited for. Yet, signals are still mixed, and the wound of genocide is still open

Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Plenums legacy

08/09/2014 -  Andrea De Noni

Seven months after the February protests, a political alternative to the forthcoming general elections is not in sight. However, activists believe the movement is sowing seeds

Predrag Pašić, football at the test of nationalism

01/08/2014 -  Rodolfo Toè Sarajevo

The story of Predrag Pašić, old glory of Yugoslav football, is the story of Sarajevo and Bubamara, a small football academy for children founded during the war. Now Bosnian politics is trying to delete this experience, but Pašić assures: "We will keep fighting"

A tale of three chairs

25/07/2014 -  Andrea De Noni Sarajevo

General elections will take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina on October 12th. Candidates for the Presidency and House of Peoples will still need to identify as Serbs, Croats, or Bosniaks, in violation of the provisions of the European Court of Human Rights

Bulgaria, towards new early elections

22/07/2014 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Dysfunctional politics, institutional crisis, banking fever. This is the image of Bulgaria after last May's European vote. Our report

Aleksandar Vučić: from deck hand to captain of media control in Serbia

14/07/2014 -  Hrvoje Šimičević

Svetlana Lukić, editor of "Peščanik": the long rule of the Democratic Party, Boris Tadić, and his court set up a mechanism of media control. Vučić - once Milošević's minister of Information- inherited it and added his own, Šešelj-style, "charm"

Kosovo at a critical juncture

26/06/2014 -  Andrea Lorenzo Capussela

Following the parliamentary elections of June 8, in Kosovo a new political landscape is emerging. Will it be more democratic? A comment

European elections in Cyprus: between confirmations and frustrations

04/06/2014 -  Francesco Grisolia

The EU elections confirmed traditional electoral trends in Cyprus, with a record level of abstention and two seats each for the two main Greek-Cypriots parties. Controversies mounted about thousands of Turkish-Cypriots citizens not allowed to vote

Croatia, the SDP staggers after defeat in EU elections

03/06/2014 -  Drago Hedl Osijek

Crushing defeat for the Social Democrats of Prime minister Milanović. The HDZ, currently in opposition, ranks first party in the country

European elections in Greece: SYRIZA wins, the government resists

02/06/2014 -  Francesco Martino

Alexis Tsipras' radical left (SYRIZA)is the winner of the European elections in Greece. Yet, despite the defeat, conservative prime minister Samaras rejected the request for early elections and is preparing for a government reshuffle

Yerevan: the Mikoyan monument

28/05/2014 -  Simone Zoppellaro Yerevan

The decision to build a monument to the memory of Anastas Mikoyan, Armenian leader in the former USSR, has sparked a controversy on the soviet legacy and on Russian-Armenian relations

European elections: the green party ranks third in Croatia

30/05/2014 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

The environmentalist party ORaH, born just six months ago, managed to rank third in the European elections in Croatia with 9.4%. The celebrations at the headquarters and the preparations for the upcoming 2015 political elections

Media in Serbia: the government's double standard

20/05/2014 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Aleksandar Vučić's government seems to be adopting a double standard when it comes to media: one for the EU, one for Serbia, with tight control over newspapers and television stations

Erdoğan’s “New Turkey”

29/04/2014 -  Arzu Geybullayeva Istanbul

While Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan heralds the advent of a new Turkey, his war on social media and new powers granted to intelligence agencies raise fears about freedom of information and the state of democracy in the country

Romania, European elections copy-paste

29/04/2014 -  Mihaela Iordache

Many of the 32 European Parliament seats available for Romania will be re-occupied, in all probability, by the very outgoing MEPs. There is poor political turnover in a country which is looking to Europe with an eye on November's presidential elections

European Elections in Cyprus: United by Disinterest

30/04/2014 -  Francesco Grisolia

All the citizens of Cyprus, whether in the north or the south, could theoretically vote in the European elections. But this will not happen. The Greek Cypriots are showing scarce interest, while the Turkish-Cypriots are restricted by voting regulations

European elections in Greece: the search for Ulysses

08/04/2014 -  Gilda Lyghounis

In Greece, European and local elections will be held together. Many voters are undecided and, according to polls, the new political formation To Potami (The River) is on the rise

Romania, the EU orphans

11/04/2014 -  Daniela Mogavero

The marginalization of vulnerable categories of citizens, namely minors, in Romania, must stop, says Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks

Scrutinizing Euroscepticism

04/04/2014 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

Is the EU democratic? The historical trends of voter turnout at European elections is a way of understanding their significance