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Serbia: the video that Vučić failed to hide

07/08/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

Media not aligned with the regime are still under pressure in Serbia. Recently, President Vučić has targeted TV channel N1 for broadcasting exclusive videos that he would rather have hidden

Rijeka and the memory of the Nineties

04/08/2017 -  Marco Abram

Remembering the Nineties through the direct testimonies of volunteers, in the Croatian city that will be the European Capital of Culture in 2020

Cumhuriyet trial, Musa Kart gives his statement

03/08/2017 -  Musa Kart

The deposition of Cumhuriyet's cartoonist in the trial accusing him and other journalists of "terrorism" becomes a "manifesto" on the role of journalism and satire in nowadays Turkey

The Kravica case and judicial cooperation in the former Yugoslavia

31/07/2017 -  Alfredo Sasso

There are only a few months left until the closure of the Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. At that point, judicial cooperation between the countries of the region will become even more essential

Turkey, Cumhuriyet on trial

28/07/2017 -  Dimitri Bettoni Istanbul

The trial has started in Istanbul for Cumhuriyet journalists and administrators, accused of terrorism. The voices from the courtroom in the debate symbol of the concerning state of relationships between journalism and power in Turkey

Sofia, a growing tourist destination

28/07/2017 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Sofia is enjoying a tourism boom, especially thanks to the ever-increasing number of low-cost flights. The economy benefits from it, but a long-term sustainable tourism strategy is still missing

Why were the East Germans taking the Romania route to West Germany?

25/07/2017 -  Marina Constantinoiu Istvan Deak

At the beginning of the '60s, one of the missions the STASI officers had was to keep tabs on the East Germany citizens who spent an extended period of time in Romania

Georgia’s Secret Radio Station: Jamming for the USSR

24/07/2017 -  Thoma Sukhashvili

Transmitter Station Number 5 was one of many secret, radio-jamming facilities throughout the USSR. Today, nearly 26 years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its past employees, still living in their original residences, are trapped in a time warp

The EU and LGBTI rights in the Western Balkans

21/07/2017 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

The prospect of entering the EU has invited the countries of the region to adopt laws against discrimination based on sex and gender. However, more efforts are needed in order to achieve structural change

True stability needs media freedom

19/07/2017 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Abuse of public funds and tabloids used as means for stifling “dissent” undermine democracy and ultimately stability in the Western Balkans. The speech by Dragan Janjić at the Civil Society Forum held in Trieste on July 11, 2017

"Each time, it hurts more". Srebrenica, 22 years later

14/07/2017 -  Alfredo Sasso

A "war for truth" is being fought today in Bosnia and Herzegovina – a clash based on ethnic competition, with words and stories about the past as the main weapons

Albania judge’s suit highlights defamation law abuse

13/07/2017 -  Austin Faulds

Controversial jurist seeks €83k in “moral damages” from media outlets, journalists

Political instability in the Balkans: the remedies are long-term

11/07/2017 -  Marzia BonaFrancesco Martino

Experts increasingly warn about the serious risks stemming from the consolidation of a vicious “stabilitocracy”. The focus of European and Western interests in the Balkans shifted from democratisation and human rights to security issues

To vote or not to vote in the Rama era?

10/07/2017 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

Albanian democracy needs a challenger to its undisputed leader

Azerbaijan and Europe

07/07/2017 -  Arzu Geybullayeva

The Azerbaijani regime should harbor no illusions. It will never achieve a strategic partnership agreement with the EU like those obtained by the US, Canada, China, Japan, Brazil and others

Turkey: EU funds, authoritarianism, and civil society

06/07/2017 -  Fazıla Mat

For over 10 years, Turkey has received EU funds supporting reforms and democratisation. In light of the country's authoritarian drift, however, many wonder whether this strategy still makes sense

EU Enlargement: A Six Percent Target for the Western Balkans

05/07/2017 -  Tobias FlessenkemperDušan Reljić

The structural economic weakness of the Western Balkans is likely to become a political problem, but the EU so far has not addressed it adequately in its Enlargement policy. A commentary

Summer in Greece: a glimpse into the backstage

29/06/2017 -  Elvira Krithari Athens

Tourism in Greece is the driving force behind the economy. Many, even with higher education, seek opportunities in this industry, often falling to painful compromises with their rights the images of Turkey in protest

28/06/2017 -  Giovanni Vale

Using the digital space to document and break the climate of growing censorship and repression in Turkey. This is the goal of the activists of the project

The political awakening of Croatia's islands

27/06/2017 -  Giovanni Vale

The islanders of Croatia want to be protagonists of their future, and their voices have arrived to Zagreb. A review