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Whistleblowers, fragile defenders of democracy

22/06/2017 -  Gian-Paolo Accardo

They put in danger their private and professional lives to reveal the embezzlement and irregularities they discover in their workplaces, yet whistleblowers do not enjoy the protection they deserve. But things in Europe are now starting to shift

Serbia: journalists attacked during Vučić's inauguration

21/06/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

During the inauguration ceremony of the new Serbian president, some journalists were attacked and prevented from doing their job. An analysis

Art and testimonies of the Yugoslav wars

15/06/2017 -  Marco Abram

From next autumn, in several European countries, an art exhibition will seek to address the relationship between the value and problematics of testimony as an instrument to understand the past

Montenegro's young politicians on the rise

14/06/2017 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

An interview with Vladimir Jokić, 29, mayor of the historic city of Kotor and member of the newborn opposition party Democratic Montenegro

RECOM looks at Trieste summit as a chance for relaunch

13/06/2017 -  Cecilia Borrini

Next July, the fourth summit of the Western Balkans will take place in Trieste. The RECOM coalition looks at the event as an occasion for revival and has gathered thousands of signatures from citizens of the region

Yugoslav wars, militarization of memory

12/06/2017 -  Marco Abram

Commemorative practices, European memory, processes of victimization: an interview with Vjeran Pavlaković, Associate Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies at the University of Rijeka

Serbia: the coronation of the new president

09/06/2017 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

On May 31st, Aleksandar Vučić left the position of prime minister to become head of state, with a ceremony that reminded many of a coronation

Chechnya’s courts: a tool for the authorities and a thorn in their side

07/06/2017 -  Kazbek Chanturiya

It is no secret that the courts in Russia fail to maintain their independence from the government. This is perhaps most acute of all in Chechnya

Agreement reached, Albania will vote on June 25th

06/06/2017 -  Tsai Mali

Finally, socialists and democrats found an agreement that will allow regular elections to take place. But at what price? And is the situation really back to "normal"? A comment

Serbia, political pressure on independent institutions

01/06/2017 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

An interview with Rodoljub Šabić, Commissioner for information of public interest and the protection of personal data – together with the Ombudsman, among the most mistreated institutions in Serbia

Refugees and Belgrade Waterfront

30/05/2017 -  Massimo Moratti Belgrado

On May 11th, the barracks behind the Belgrade railway station, where hundreds of refugees stayed while stranded on the Balkan route, were abruptly cleared and demolished. An overview

Kruševo's paragliding wonderland

29/05/2017 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

Macedonia’s highest city is the ideal environment for the vital paragliding community in the country, but barriers remain for it to consolidate as a destination for alternative tourism

A European war: the voices of international solidarity in the former Yugoslavia

26/05/2017 -  Marco Abram

The Yugoslav dissolution wars are often considered a marginal chapter in European history, but the testimonies of many Italian citizens return the memory of conflicts that went far beyond the boundaries of the countries involved

Violence against women: the EU's potential accession to the Istanbul Convention

24/05/2017 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Half of the EU member-states have not yet ratified the Convention on violence against women. The European Parliament and the Commission have decided that the EU as such should adhere to the Convention, which could signal a breakthrough for a genuine European policy against violence

A plan to strengthen the social dimension of Europe

24/05/2017 -  Sara Gradilone

The European Commission's proposal to create a European Pillar of Social Rights is a step towards an integrated and coherent framework on social rights at the European level. This will also provide member states with a frame of reference for developing their own individual policies

Can Dündar: Erdoğan's lacerated Turkey

23/05/2017 -  Fazıla Mat Prato

At the Festival Mediterraneo Downtown 2017 at Prato we met the Turkish journalist Can Dündar. Fears and hopes for Turkey after Erdoğan's victory in the constitutional referendum

Kosovo: early elections, again

16/05/2017 -  Francesco Martino

The awkward government alliance between PDK and LDK lasted little more than two years: last Wednesday, it was ended by a motion of no confidence. Kosovo is now preparing for new early elections, scheduled for June 11th

Not indifferent; civil activism surges in Daghestan

16/05/2017 -  Aida Mirmaksumova

There has been a surge of civic engagement in Daghestan since early 2017, with human rights groups even managing to achieve justice in several disputes

The suspended time of Belgrade's kafanas

09/05/2017 -  Giovanni Vale Belgrado

Places suspended in time, far from the bustle of the capital and the high tech kitchens: these are the Belgrade kafana which tell the story of a special soul

Remembering the conflicts of the nineties

08/05/2017 -  Marco Abram

How do we remember the conflicts of the 1990s? A question to which the academic world, in southeastern Europe but not only, dedicates increasing attention. An overview