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Serbia: propaganda and control on the web

28/03/2017 -  Rossella Vignola

The impact of cyber-attacks, digital surveillance and sophisticated techniques of computational propaganda is growing. The case of Serbia in an interview with Vladan Joler, director of Share Foundation

Greece: Golden Dawn not willing to fade

27/03/2017 -  Elvira Krithari Athens

Despite the arrest of its leadership, on trial for the murder of rapper Pavlos Fyssas, the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn movement continues to have support in the impoverished Greek society

Humanitarian Visas, still an open question

23/03/2017 -  Francesca Spinelli

The recent verdict of the European Court of Justice comes as a blow to those who want to see safe and legal access to the EU for refugees. But the reform of the Code on Visas offers another chance for change, and the European Parliament is keen on not letting it get away

Romania: Less hate, more speech

22/03/2017 -  Francesco Martino

The project "Less hate, more speech" aims at stimulating more civilized discussion with less aggressive speech on the Romanian online media, as one of the authors explains

Public service media in South East Europe: Can the giants be taken from the grip of political interests?

21/03/2017 -  Brankica Petković Sandra B. Hrvatin Ljubljana

They used to be called “State-television”, nowadays they are “public service media”. But political control is hard to remove, and prevents public broadcasters from serving the public interest. An editorial

Sustainable tourism in Armenia

20/03/2017 -  Marilisa Lorusso

While the United Nations designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, Armenia is struggling to manage and make the best out of the potential of this sector

Hidden Cyprus

17/03/2017 -  Giovanni Vale Nicosia

In the shadow of the ever present division of Cyprus, the Greek zone and the Turkish one hide hybrid realities which timidly try pass the division's rigid schemes

Jeopardising the effectiveness of journalism in South East Europe: the role of extra-legal policy mechanisms

16/03/2017 -  Chiara Sighele

A range of extra-legal policy mechanisms are used by those in power to prevent journalists from fulfilling their watchdog role in society. Examples from countries of South East Europe (SEE) where extra-legal policy mechanisms are deployed to stifle journalism

Targeting Russian TV channels

15/03/2017 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

The tensions between the European Union and Russia are changing the ways in which the EU defines and combats hate-speech. Attention is growing on the role of Russian TVs in Eastern Europe

Viktor Ivančić: media, democracy, and politics

13/03/2017 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

All-out interview with Viktor Ivančić, one of the founders of the legendary weekly Feral Tribune. The media in Croatia, the Balkans, and former Yugoslavia. The risks for democracy

Access to public information in Erdoğan's Turkey

10/03/2017 -  Gülseren Adaklı

A detailed and unique analysis of the right to access information in Turkey, where not only this right is not being upheld, but also the freedom of expression is heavily violated

Accessing information in Bosnia and Herzegovina

09/03/2017 -  Ljupko Mišeljić Sarajevo

All too often, institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina ignore requests for access to information, give only partial answers, or do not reply within the statutory deadline

Between institutions and movements, the challenges of Moldovan feminism

08/03/2017 -  Francesco Brusa

A conversation with two women, Valentina Borug and Victoria Apostol, on their strategies to lead the way in the debate on feminism and gender issues in Moldova

The Balkan Florence Express film festival

07/03/2017 -  Giulia Blocal

Giulia is a blogger and she loves the Balkans. This time though she did not need to travel to much to find them. Her review of the 5th edition of the Balkan Florence Express Film Festival

Defending in Court the case of humanitarian visas for refugees

06/03/2017 -  Francesca Spinelli

The EU Court of Justice Advocate General Paolo Mengozzi demonstrated that governments are legally obliged to grant asylum to Syrian refugees. In a landmark verdict to be delivered on 7 March, the Court could decide to adopt Mengozzi’s arguments or to strike a blow to the hopes of so many Syrians

Romania and access to information: a law that works

06/03/2017 -  Stela Giurgeanu

In Romania, the law on access to information is a substantially effective tool in support of quality journalism

Bosnian ethnopolis in Strasbourg: a controversial resolution

03/03/2017 -  Alfredo Sasso

Tensions between Zagreb and Sarajevo over potential further decentralization of Bosnia Herzegovina, following the positions exposed in a resolution recently adopted by the European parliament

Montenegro, the silence of the public administration

02/03/2017 -  Ivan Čađenović Podgorica

Montenegro adopted a law on free access to public information 7 years ago, but in many cases the information required is withheld, and no one is sanctioned

Azerbaijan: a 21st century dynasty

01/03/2017 -  Arzu Geybullaeva

President Ilham Aliyev has recently appointed his wife to the position of vice-president of the country, confirming that Azerbaijan is, slowly but steadily, turning from a democracy into a monarchy

Novosti under attack

24/02/2017 -  Marzia Bona

A campaign launched by conservative organization “In the name of the family” threatens to shut down the magazine Novosti, example of pluralism and quality journalism in Croatia