All the news

Zagreb, development all-round

29/05/2024 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Waste management, post-earthquake reconstruction, urban services: there are various areas in which the administration of the Croatian capital, led by the progressive green coalition "Možemo" (We Can) since 2021, has intervened also thanks to European funds. We talked about it with Luka Korlaet, deputy mayor of Zagreb

Herzegovina's Wine Renaissance

27/05/2024 -  Ian Bancroft

In Herzegovina, native grape varieties like Blatina, Trnjak, and Žilavka lead a resurgence in the vinicultural landscape. Historical depth merges with the innovation of new producers, crafting a distinctive terroir and driving global ambitions in Herzegovina's evolving wine industry

Adriatic-Ionian region, is territorial cooperation still needed?

24/05/2024 -  Giovanni Vale

What developments do cohesion policies foresee? Is the Interreg programme, after over two decades, still valid? We asked Lodovico Gherardi, coordinator of the managing authority (the Emilia Romagna Region) of the Interreg IPA Adrion Programme

Armenia, Pashinyan hails border delimitation as protests set to continue

21/05/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Following a landmark decision by Yerevan and Baku to delimit part of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, efforts towards an agreement to normalise relations move forward despite anti-Pashinyan protests in Yerevan

Adriatic views: Hvar

20/05/2024 -  Fabio Fiori

"I sailed to Hvar for the first time many years ago, going from island to island, on an insuleidoscopic journey of wonders, where every day it was the wind that decided our route": this is how Fabio Fiori describes his first meeting with the Croatian island

‘Luka’, a Tale of War, Justice and Forgiveness (2)

20/05/2024 -  Ian Bancroft*

This is the second of two extracts from Ian Bancroft’s new novel, which tells of lives scarred by wars past and present, whose main characters - L., U., K., and A. - are confronted with the dilemmas of truth and justice, and the struggle to reconcile and forgive

Georgia: why the “Foreign Agents” law now?

17/05/2024 -  Giorgio Comai

The ruling party “Georgian Dream” acts on the basis of the obsessions of its founder, billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili, who sees threats to his interests coming from the West and from a potential change of government. The risk is an authoritarian turn, not a pro-Russian course

BiH, the public service on the brink of collapse

17/05/2024 -  Darko Kurić Sarajevo

The public service in Bosnia and Herzegovina is in increasingly dire straits. In the absence of real reform, the lack of a sustainable financing mechanism has caused tensions to explode between two of the three public broadcasters

For a transnational Danube, beyond Sissi and the Sachertorte

16/05/2024 -  Paola Rosà

Erhard Busek (1941-2022), an Austrian politician active in Balkan regional cooperation and lover of a Europe of minorities in dialogue, opened the work of the Interreg Transdanube Travel Stories project by talking about history, languages, landscapes and international protests: a synergistic approach, in search of a shared narrative

Armenia, clergy-led protests in Yerevan call for Pashinyan's resignation

14/05/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Between 20 and 30 thousand demonstrators, led by Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan, protested in the Armenian capital to oppose the current demarcation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, following the Nagorno Karabakh war, and to demand the resignation of the prime minister

Incinerator in Sofia, a project gone up in smoke

08/05/2024 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Tens of millions of Euros of investments, which began over a decade ago: Sofia's waste management strategy was supposed to culminate in the construction of an incinerator. The judiciary put an end to the project, accepting the objections of citizens concerned about its environmental impact

Tetovo, a great little museum

06/05/2024 -  Aleksandar Samardjiev Tetovo

With dedication and passion, Simeon Zlatev has created a true ethnographic museum by collecting traditional Macedonian objects, now mostly disappeared, for over three decades

Press freedom in Italy: those in power are not to be criticised

03/05/2024 -  Sielke Kelner

In 2021, then opposition leader Giorgia Meloni sued Roberto Saviano for defamation. Last October, the Rome Criminal Court issued a sentence against the Italian writer. A ruling that alarmed Italian and European civil society. We had a conversation about it with Antonio Nobile, Saviano's lawyer

A long and harsh path to citizenship: interview with Elvira Mujčić

30/04/2024 -  Nicole Corritore

Writer, translator from Bosnian to Italian, Elvira Mujčić arrived in Italy when she was 14 years old, escaping the war. Today she is an Italian and Bosnian citizen: a long, almost Kafkaesque journey of dual citizenship that only the support of the community of the country that welcomed her has made more bearable

Moldova-Transnistria: a window of opportunity for the protracted conflict?

29/04/2024 -  Bernardo Venturi

The first Moldova Reintegration Forum has been a new occasion to debate some of the issues that for many years have shaped the protracted conflict with Transnistria. In the changing regional context, however, old issues emerge under a different light, opening a window of opportunity for moving forward

Armenia pushes ahead with demarcation, Azerbaijani village return

29/04/2024 -  Onnik James Krikorian

Armenia moves forward with the demarcation and restitution of Azerbaijani villages. Despite the exultation of the leaders of the respective countries for a closer peace, the ongoing process is certainly not without problems

War in Kosovo and sexual violence, a painful legacy

26/04/2024 -  Arta Berisha Pristina

In Kosovo, thousands of people suffered sexual violence during the war: today institutions recognise them as civilian victims of the conflict, but for many talking about the trauma they suffered remains an insurmountable obstacle

Thessaloniki: Eid in the mosque, one hundred years later

25/04/2024 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

For Eid, the Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the city of Thessaloniki offered believers the opportunity to pray in the historic Yeni Cami: a highly symbolic act in a country with a large Orthodox majority

Croatia elections: possible scenarios

24/04/2024 -  Dimitri Bettoni

A dialogue with Toni Gabrić, editor in chief of the Croatian independent media H-Alter

Balkans: Still many obstacles to regional economic cooperation

23/04/2024 -  Gentiola Madhi

Regional economic cooperation has turned into the headline of EU-Balkans relations in the last months. But what’s the situation today in the Balkans? An interview with Nenad Đurđević, advisor to the President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Head of the Regional Council for Strategic and Policy Initiatives