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Bulgaria, if war is near

10/03/2022 -  Francesco Martino Sofia

Putin's war in Ukraine has strong repercussions on Bulgaria: the government has strongly condemned the aggression, but the country, traditionally linked to Russia, is divided both from a political and a symbolic point of view. Meanwhile, 30,000 refugees are already on their way

EU: enlargement to the east is back on the agenda

10/03/2022 -  Lorenzo Ferrari

Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova have officially applied to join the European Union. The first reactions have been positive, but it will be a long process: in the meantime, however, the enlargement of the EU could finally get going again, and some novel solutions could be tested

Green networks in the Balkans

10/03/2022 -  Serena Epis

Protection of birdlife, ecological corridors that connect the Dinaric area to the Alps, sharing of good practices: the ecological association BIOM talks about its many years of experience and the creation of green networks in the region

Nadezhda Azhgikhina: “Let’s remember that journalism is a public good"

08/03/2022 -  EFJ

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) interviewed Nadezhda Azhgikhina, Russian journalist, director of PEN-Moscow, and former Vice-President of the EFJ. Her views on media in the ongoing war

From Norway to Romania: we want to stay in the mountains

08/03/2022 -  Davide Sighele

2022 has been proclaimed by the United Nations "International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development". For the occasion, the Euromontana association promoted an interesting survey among young European mountain people

Georgia applies to join the EU

03/03/2022 -  Marilisa Lorusso

The aggression against Ukraine has generated a series of so far unforeseeable consequences, particularly in the countries of the former Soviet bloc. Georgia is experiencing an acceleration of processes that were underway but were not on the agenda, including the request for EU candidacy

War in Ukraine, the Balkans hold their breath

01/03/2022 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Concern is growing in the Western Balkans about the evolution of the war in Ukraine. Geopolitical and economic issues make the region one of the areas particularly sensitive to possible serious repercussions linked to the ongoing conflict

Italy-Slovenia: the ecological link

01/03/2022 -  Serena Epis

Between Italy and Slovenia there are two natural parks that have been in dialogue for years. We interviewed Antonio Andrich, director of the Julian Pre-Alps Natural Park

Donbass, the veil of hypocrisy has been lifted

26/02/2022 -  Matteo Zola

The aggression of the Putin regime on Ukraine has also removed the veil on the hypocrisy that has reigned in the Donbass from 2014 to today. What Moscow presents as a genocide conducted against the Russian-speaking population is nothing more than a mafia black hole

War in Ukraine: reactions from the South Caucasus

24/02/2022 -  Marilisa Lorusso

If the secessionists of Abkhazia and South Ossetia celebrate the Russian recognition of Donetsk and Lugansk, Georgia reaffirms the integrity of Ukraine, while Armenia finds itself in a difficult situation as an ally of Moscow but with good relations with Kiev. Azerbaijan, on the other hand, coordinates with Turkey

Croatia and Serbia, the advantages of a good neighbourhood policy

24/02/2022 -  Nicola Dotto Belgrade

Dozens of projects, hundreds of partners involved, nine cross-border regions thinking together about their future. A review of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme between Croatia and Serbia

Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia together, to save the chestnut trees

22/02/2022 -  Nicola Zordan

A few years ago, a pest disease of chestnut trees began to spread along the border region between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The response given through the "Chestnut" project has shown that a cross-border approach to solving common problems is needed

Digital Balkans: a priority in European cohesion policy

17/02/2022 -  Klaudijo Klaser

To what extent is the Internet used in South-East Europe? In what condition is the digital infrastructure? An overview

Turkey, wave of strikes

16/02/2022 -  Kenan Sharpe Istanbul

Squeezed between galloping inflation and insufficient wages, more and more workers in Turkey go on strike. A wave of protests that started in home delivery, but which soon spread throughout sectors

Greece: going to jail for saving lives?

11/02/2022 -  Mary Drosopoulos Thessaloniki

Twenty-four volunteers involved in rescuing migrants and refugees at sea are on trial in Greece. A controversial case, which targets that part of Greek and European civil society committed to saving lives in the Mediterranean

Slovenia: Robert Golob vs. Janez Jansa

10/02/2022 -  Stefano Lusa

Robert Golob will be Janez Jansa's main antagonist in the political elections of next 24 April. He is the only one who seems to have the charisma to stand up to the master and father of the centre-right and his plans to bring Slovenia towards Hungary

Albania, civil society on the move

08/02/2022 -  Davide Sighele

In the last thirty years in Albania, only the main parties have managed to bring people to the streets to protest, with some notable exceptions. An interview with researcher Klodiana Beshku

Bosnia and Herzegovina, between the anvil and the hammer: an analysis of the programs of the major ethno-national parties

07/02/2022 -  Dražen Barbarić

By comparing the programs of the major political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina it is possibile not only to explain the current paralyses of the country's political system, but also to guess what political and media tools the main political actors might use trying to change the current institutional structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Romania: Ciugud, European funds make a difference

06/02/2022 -  Mihaela Iordache

Ciugud, in Transylvania, is the Romanian municipality with the most investments per capita in European funds. Let's discover this phenomenon, in contrast to national data

Sezen Aksu, freedom of expression denied in Turkey

04/02/2022 -  Kenan Sharpe Istanbul

A recent intimidation campaign against Sezen Aksu, the queen of Turkish music, has highlighted how artists as well as politicians, journalists, and activists are subjected to censorship and pressure from power in the country