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Croatia: a minister's dangerous allegations

28/05/2020 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Once again, journalists are under attack in an EU country. Croatian Minister of the Environment Tomislav Ćorić discredited journalist Hrvoje Krešić by citing the latter's private conversations. Bewilderment in the associations in defense of journalists

EU: An ever smaller, ever older population

28/05/2020 -  Miriam Santoro

A recently published study outlines the EU’s demographic future: in 2080, if current trends continue, the EU population will fall from the current 513 million people to 504 million, while flight from rural areas shows no sign of slowing. We take a look at south-eastern Europe, by way of the global context

Ukraine: Slovo, from “house of the word” to nightmare

26/05/2020 -  Claudia Bettiol Kiev

"Slovo" is an apartment complex for Ukrainian writers, built in the 1920s in the former capital of Ukraine Kharkiv. Securing them a decent home was only a marginal concern: it soon turned into a nightmare of control, delations, and arrests

Kosovo: economic losses and opportunities after COVID19

21/05/2020 -  Arta Berisha Pristina

The COVID19 epidemic has seriously impacted on the Kosovar economy and is likely to heavily affect many sectors also in the future. Yet, some also see opportunities to be seized in the post-coronavirus world

Georgia: domestic politics, the crisis with Russia, and Covid-19

20/05/2020 -  Filippo Rosin

Georgia is expected to vote to renew parliament on October 31. Some fear that the government will use the current health crisis to postpone the elections and the reform of the electoral system agreed with the opposition

Not just apps: privacy, personal data and COVID-19 in the western Balkans

19/05/2020 -  Federico Caruso

The measures adopted by some Balkan countries to contain the pandemic have raised perplexity in associations and researchers who deal with privacy and digital rights. Emergency actions, derogating from the national rules of law, could translate into mass surveillance tools.

Albania: the end of a theatre

18/05/2020 -  Gentiola Madhi

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, under fierce lockdown measures, Albania’s socialist government performed the last act of the power play on the demolition of the National Theatre. At the expense of democracy

From Tbilisi With Hate: Georgia's punk scene

15/05/2020 -  Onnik James Krikorian Tbilisi

A brothel turned into rehearsal studio: this is one of the images that best describe Georgia's punk scene of the last 30 years. A reportage among punk and metal teenage fans, with photos, videos, and a coming soon documentary

Climate warming in Europe, municipality by municipality

14/05/2020 -  Lorenzo FerrariOrnaldo Gjergji

In more than 35,000 European municipalities, average temperatures have risen by more than 2°C over the last fifty years. From big cities to small villages, the climate crisis reaches every corner of Europe – but citizens are rising up, and people in power are finally taking action

Croatia, the financial consequences of Covid-19

08/05/2020 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Also Croatia is entering the so-called phase 2. While the health emergency seems to be under control, the economic situation is worrying. The lockdown could bring out the structural problems of an economy which is mainly tourism-based

“Warning, No Signal”

07/05/2020 -  Nikos Morfonios

Only 30 km of the whole rail network in Greece has functioning train traffic lights. The installation of new European Train Control System has derailed in the country because of mismanagement – costing tens of millions of public funds and several fatalities

Serbia, pots against the regime

06/05/2020 -  Antonela Riha Belgrade

While Serbia is awaiting the revocation of the state of emergency, some citizens have been protesting against the government by beating on pots from the balconies for days. On the other hand, hooligans loyal to power roam the rooftops threatening public security and democracy itself

Did the State do it? The attribution of cyber attacks

05/05/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

Whenever a website has issues, we immediately think of hackers – maybe Russians. But how do you understand when a State really is responsible for an attack, and how do you hold it accountable?

Armenia: don't talk about HIV

29/04/2020 -  Armine Avetisyan Yerevan

There are several thousands of HIV-positive people in Armenia today. Although information is becoming more accessible, for example that the disease is not airborne and that simple contact is not contagious, many avoid contact with them - "for safety". Because of that discriminatory attitude, HIV-positive people keep hiding

Quintarelli: politics cannot be done remotely

28/04/2020 -  Niccolò Caranti

Some things can be done remotely, but parliamentary activity requires presence, and not only for IT security issues. Interview with computer scientist and former MP Stefano Quintarelli

Bosnia and Herzegovina: requiem for Dr. Pašagić

24/04/2020 -  Ahmed Burić Sarajevo

The death of well-known Sarajevo epidemiologist Šefik Pašagić is a tragic story that has its roots in Bosnian medical malpractice. In a final, bitter paradox, the deceased has been blamed for his own death

Kosovo, political crisis in times of coronavirus

23/04/2020 -  Arta Berisha Pristina

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo is grappling with a political crisis: the struggle between President Hashim Thaçi and no-confidenced premier Albin Kurti. The victim of the clash could be – once again – the country's constitutional structure

Dealing with Russia's brazenness in cyber space

22/04/2020 -  Giorgio Comai

Western governments recently attributed to Russia a massive cyber-attack against Georgia. In this and other situations, the brazenness of the attack was seemingly a goal in itself. But Russia is not the only cyber threat. Structural political incentives for better security practices and international solidarity and assistance are needed

2014, six years later: Bosnia and Herzegovina and the floods

21/04/2020 -  Marco Ranocchiari

Six years ago, Bosnia and Herzegovina experienced a catastrophic flood. Today the country remains among the most exposed in all of Europe. Efforts have been made to reduce these risks, but they are often limited to international projects, without local institutions really taking charge of them

Željko Bodrožić: the state of emergency smothers the Serbian media

17/04/2020 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

According to Željko Bodrožić, president of the Association of Independent Journalists of Serbia (NUNS), the state of emergency has only worsened the situation of non-aligned media, often subject to the discredit of the media controlled by power