Albania - Articoli

EU enlargement: a new strategy, with hands by the brakes

01/03/2018 -  Francesco Martino

The European Commission has renewed its strategy for the accession of the western Balkans as an essential geo-strategic investment for the EU. From Brussels, however, no concessions can be expected.

Italians in Albania: it's raining figures

22/02/2018 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

For years, Italian media have been repeating that 19,000 Italians live and work in Albania. Yet, according to the data of the Albanian Interior Ministry, they are less than 2,000. How can we explain such a difference?

What can Germans and French learn from Serbs and Albanians?

24/01/2018 -  Aleksandar Pavlović

An interesting project with the aim to maintain and strengthen a cooperative network of Albanian and Serbian researchers and civil society activists, and empower them to combat present hostility on a long-term basis

Rural Albania, the bet of those who stay

09/01/2018 -  Francesco Martino Mërtur

Wild, untamed mountains, poverty, and massive depopulation. In the villages of northern Albania, some resist the temptation to escape to the city and hope for a new beginning, made of sustainable rural development and alternative tourism. Our report

Albania: Operation Alba and the memories of Romano Prodi

19/12/2017 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

The Albanian civil war of 1997 was ended by an Italian-led international contingent. Twenty years after Operation Alba, the Prime Minister who promoted it has returned to the Land of the Eagles. An interview

Albania-Greece: minority properties

07/12/2017 -  Gjergji Kajana

The new urban plan of the little coastal city of Himara is heating up bilateral relations between Albania and Greece. Ethnic minorities and property speculation in this analysis by Gjergji Kajana

Clueless and ranting: the press according to Edi Rama

09/11/2017 -  Tsai Mali Tirana

With the eyes of the public still on the judicial troubles of the former Interior Minister Tahiri, Prime Minister Rama is back to attacking the press, confirming the ambiguous relationship between Albanian media and politics

Albania: new government, old drill

05/09/2017 -  Tsai Mali

Confirmations, continuity and little innovation in Tirana's new socialist government, increasingly resembling its leader Edi Rama

Albania judge’s suit highlights defamation law abuse

13/07/2017 -  Austin Faulds

Controversial jurist seeks €83k in “moral damages” from media outlets, journalists

To vote or not to vote in the Rama era?

10/07/2017 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

Albanian democracy needs a challenger to its undisputed leader

Agreement reached, Albania will vote on June 25th

06/06/2017 -  Tsai Mali

Finally, socialists and democrats found an agreement that will allow regular elections to take place. But at what price? And is the situation really back to "normal"? A comment

What's feeding the obese media in Albania?

05/05/2017 -  Shqiptarja

Behind the majority of Albanian media there are owners who use it to defend their own interests in fields entirely disconnected from editorial scope. An overview

Last harvest looming for Albanian farmers along pipeline route

25/01/2017 -  Bankwatch

Numerous farmers and land owners in Albania feel they are sidelined by Europe’s dash for gas

Terra Madre Balkans, the voice of farmers in Tirana

01/08/2016 -  Erion Gjatolli Tirana

The fourth edition of "Terra Madre Balkans", held in early June in Tirana, focused on challenges and hopes of small farmers in the region

Albania, the justice reform

04/08/2016 -  Tsai Mali

The justice reform, approved on July 21st, amends as many as 45 articles of the Albanian Constitution. Citizens, however, still know little about it

Brexit: the consequences for the EU enlargement

27/06/2016 -  Marzia Bona

The results of the referendum held in the UK will have significant consequences for the process of European integration of the South-Eastern European countries

Durres, the Albanian port

07/06/2016 -  Fabrizio Polacco

A walk through the streets of old Durres, where past and present are inextricably entwined

Looking for the Albanian route

16/03/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Tirana

A still landscape of clay, low trees, and white rocks. Albania looks with apprehension at its southern border, increasing patrols should any refugee appear. A report

Albania, the pride of the fairies

24/12/2015 -  Francesco Martino Fishta

After many years in Italy, the Prenga brothers have returned to Albania to put their new ideas for the restaurant business into practice. Fundamental to their practice are pride in their traditions, love for the land and the use of local produce

Vučić in Tirana: all together for... Germany!

08/06/2015 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

Serbia's Prime Minister paid a historic visit to Albania last week. Major disagreements remain, especially over Kosovo, but great cordiality was expressed. In the background, the need for collaboration on major infrastructure projects for the region

Edith Durham, Albania's Mountain Queen

28/11/2014 -  Elizabeth Gowing*

Edith Durham, an author, aid worker and Edwardian traveller in the Balkans, has left an enduring legacy in South East Europe, namely in Albania. A review of the latest Marcus Tanner book on the first British woman to become Vice President of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Albania: Belle Air, a year later

18/11/2014 -  Nicola Pedrazzi

A year ago, Belle Air failed, the only airline flying the flag of Albania. Its failure was hailed by many as the end of a nepotistic monopoly, but no alternative project has come as a result of its destruction

Edi Rama, the insults on Serbian media

21/11/2014 -  Dragan Janjić Belgrade

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama mentioned Kosovo's independence during his historic visit to Belgrade. It was enough for Serbian media to start a smear campaign against him

A Pope in a symbolic land: Albania

25/09/2014 -  Nicola Pedrazzi Tirana

For his first European journey, Pope Francis chose Albania, a land that has become a symbol of interfaith dialogue. The visit was experienced with great expectation by the majority of Albanians

Albania rejected, resoundingly

16/01/2014 -  Marjola Rukaj

The EU Council denied candidate status to Albania in December 2013. Some analysts think the rejection could be good for Albania

Tirana Ekspress: destination – future

07/01/2014 -  Nicola Pedrazzi Tirana

Since the summer of 2011, the Tirana Ekspress has been the go-to place for young Albanians tired of mainstream musical hegemony in the bllok, the neighbourhood that once housed the communist nomenklatura

Albania, Belle Air stops flights

11/12/2013 -  Marjola Rukaj

It had virtually become the Albanian flagship carrier. But now its planes no longer fly. Behind a still confused story there are years of unpaid taxes and owners very close to former Prime Minister Sali Berisha

Greece-Albania, a return-only ticket

19/11/2013 -  Gilda Lyghounis

Because of the crisis, about 200,000 Albanian migrants have decided to leave Greece and return to their homeland. A difficult choice for the youngest ones, who have to adapt to a country they do not know

The Albanian mafia under investigation

16/10/2013 -  Matteo Tacconi

According to the National Anti-Mafia Directorate – an organ of the Italian State's General Attorney for the fight against organized crime, the Albanian mafia has gained a leading role in Italy's drug market

Lazarat, the capital of Albanian marijuana

08/10/2013 -  Cecilia Ferrara

According to the Italian police, in Albania there are hundreds of marijuana plantations for export. One of the most renowned production centers is the village of Lazarat, where cultivation is an important support to the farmers' income