Croatia - Articoli

Croatia and Italy, the chilling effect of strategic lawsuits

29/10/2019 -  Paola RosàClaudia Pierobon

Forced to waste time, energy, and money to defend themselves against lawsuits that are unfounded in almost 90% of cases, journalists in Italy and Croatia are well aware of the SLAPP phenomenon (strategic lawsuit against public participation). Expert talks in Europe and a promising journalist's bill in Italy

Croatia: retirement without peace

21/10/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić

More than 11,000 retired Croatian are still working. Some of them seek a more active life, but the majority lives on the brink of poverty without any other option other than to keep working – a problem in common with many other European countries

Croatia: those who leave

19/09/2019 -  Francesca Rolandi

While Croatia may be a paradise for tourism, actually living and working there is a lot more difficult. Croatian workers move abroad in large numbers: a phenomenon rooted in a combination of both long-term and short-term factors. An analysis

Diary of a September day in Rijeka

19/09/2019 -  Marko Medved*

A walk in the centre of Rijeka on the centenary of D'Annunzio's enterprise: politics, the work of historians, memory, and democracy

Croatia: journalists under attack

12/09/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Minatory writings on walls, physical attacks, and threats. Reporters Without Borders expresses deep concern for what it sees as a real attack against journalists in Croatia

Croatia, a controversial law on citizenship

21/08/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

The Zagreb government is determined to soften the requirements for obtaining Croatian citizenship, with an eye on intercepting the diaspora. But there are those who feel discriminated against: the case of Milan Škorić and the 5,000 without nationality

Yemen, an European war

20/06/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić Zagreb

By providing weapons to parties in conflict in Yemen, Europeans have a responsibility in the war that has claimed more than 10,000 lives in four years. Being one of the main European exporters of arms, Croatia shares this reponsibility

Dejan Jović, an alarm call for Croatian society

24/06/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

What is the situation of the Serbian minority in Croatia? We talked about it with Dejan Jović, university professor and recent candidate in the European elections

European elections in Croatia: surprising results

28/05/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

No easy victory for the ruling HDZ in the European elections. With the voter turnout of 29%, the HDZ didn’t get enough votes to beat its historical rival, the Social Democratic Party: both parties won four seats. The biggest surprise is a judge Kolakušić, who won one seat

Croatia, surviving tourism

29/05/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Always regarded as an important economic resource, today mass tourism risks creating serious imbalances in Croatia. To address them, someone started thinking to "Proceed with care"

Croatia, towards the first ethical bank

15/05/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Emigration, economy, and the future of the country on the eve of the European elections. We talked about these topics with Goran Jeras, creator of the first Croatian Ethical Finance Cooperative

The truth about Jasenovac

23/04/2019 -  Giovanni Vale

Between historical revisionism and divided memories, the Jasenovac concentration camp (Croatia) keeps fostering division and debate in the communities of the region. Ivo Goldstein, a well-known Croatian historian, explains the reason for a long-standing dispute

Croatia, all set for the European elections

19/04/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Croatia will vote for the European elections on May 26th. Considering the revival of demonstrations and protests throughout the country, an increase in turnout is expected compared to the 2014 elections. An analysis of the competing parties

Hard days for Croatian journalism

21/03/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

As Croatia approaches the EU Council presidency semester in January 2020, Zagreb registers a negative record: it is the only European country where public TV sues its own employees

Nationalism and revisionism in Croatia: teenagers tools and victims

28/02/2019 -  Ivana Polić

In Croatia in recent months there have been numerous cases of violence against minorities, racism, incitement to hatred. And minors where involved

Croatian cities don’t care for climate change

20/02/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić

A survey by the H-Alter portal reveals local authorities' lack of interest in the increase in average temperatures. An exception is the city of Pula, which stresses the impact of climate change on people's lives

Bears return to the Alps

22/01/2019 -  Laura Pes

In the collective imagination, bears are one of the wild animals with which humanity has struggled the most over the course of history. After virtual extermination, the reintroduction of bears in a number of European countries is arousing enthusiasm as well as perplexity

Croatia, a thousand lawsuits against journalists

18/01/2019 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

There are over a thousand ongoing trials against journalists or Croatian media, and the list is not complete. The complaint of the Association of Croatian Journalists

Croatia, where the streets have no (women's) names

08/01/2019 -  Ana KuzmanićIvana Perić Zagreb

The visualisations of urban public space are an important part of the process of creating collective memory and imagining (a different) future. Yet in the toponymy of Croatian cities there is almost no trace of women: in most cases the percentage of streets named after women is lower than 5 percent

There’s an urgent need for foreign labour in Croatia

29/01/2019 -  Francesca Rolandi

Fewer births, greater life expectancy, emigration. These are some of the ingredients adding up to local labour shortages - now a major problem in many Eastern European countries

Media in Croatia, defeated by the economy

14/12/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

What is the state of the Croatian media? And what could the government and the institutions do to improve the situation? We asked Hrvoje Zovko, the new president of the Association of Croatian Journalists (HND)

Croatia, criminalisation of solidarity

08/11/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

With 700 cases of reports of violence and theft against migrants at the border, Croatia holds the negative record among the countries of the area. Meanwhile, intimidation against solidarity increases and the first convictions pour down

Tito and Vallarsa: The history of a legend

10/10/2018 -  Marco Abram

Trentino and Yugoslavia narrated through a legend: roots of Marshal Josip Broz Tito in Vallarsa

Croatian-language Wikipedia: when the extreme right rewrites history

27/09/2018 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

Croatian-language Wikipedia supports revisionist and negationist ideas, in particular the Jasenovac concentration camp, which it defines as a simple "labour camp"

Croatia: the challenge of degrowth

12/09/2018 -  Giovanni Vale

Every year, a summer school brings together activists and researchers on the island of Vis in order to discuss sustainability and social equality. OBCT's correspondent was there this year

Croatia Must Not Whitewash the Horrors of Jasenovac

03/09/2018 -  Menachem Rosensaft

An article published by Croatia’s best-read newspaper downplaying the atrocities at the Jasenovac concentration camp was an attempt to rehabilitate Croatia’s WWII fascist Ustasa regime and deny its complicity in the Holocaust

Zagreb is ours, a movement on the side of citizens

19/09/2018 -  Giovanni ValeJelena Prtorić Zagreb

Tomislav Tomašević, 38, is the leader of the movement Zagreb je naš ("Zagreb is ours"). An activist, political scientist, and environmentalist, Tomašević represents to date the most dynamic opposition to Zagreb's unremovable mayor Milan Bandić. We met him

Dejan Jović: Croatia must rethink its foreign policy

04/07/2018 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

Dejan Jović, professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Zagreb and Balkans expert, analyses the record of Croatia's membership in the EU, marked in his view by the intensification of nationalist rhetoric and the absence of a clear foreign policy.

Croatia and its neighbours after the entry into the EU

29/06/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

Over the past five years, since Croatia joined the EU and the centre-right rose to power, relations with neighbouring countries have undergone a progressive deterioration

Croatia: agriculture and fisheries at the time of the EU

29/06/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Two important sectors for the country, two important EU policies with which Zagreb has had to deal – not always with the best outcome, due to lack of preparation and poor management of negotiations