Croatia - Articoli

Croatian citizens are indifferent about the EU

26/06/2018 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

Paul Stubbs, British sociologist at the Institute of Economics in Zagreb, lives in Croatia for 25 years and claims, supported by figures, that Croatia did not benefit the EU membership, while its citizens remain indifferent on the issue

Croatia, refugees and responsibilities

28/06/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

Two years after its entry into the European Union, Croatia saw the arrival of the first waves of refugees and migrants. With the change of government in 2016, the first instances of solidarity gave way to rejection and violence.

Croatia: emigration, European funds, and beers

21/06/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Some leave and never want to come back, some – although the country is not fully ready yet – use EU funds to create new artisanal businesses, such as the production of craft beers

Croatia: identity, the past, and reconciliation

27/06/2018 -  Francesca Rolandi

It's been 5 years since Croatia entered the European Union – years in which the nationalist right came back to power and Zagreb abandoned the policy of reconciliation with the countries of the region

Western Balkans-EU Integration: Why Italy should take the lead

16/05/2018 -  Luisa Chiodi

On the eve of the Sofia Summit between the EU and the Western Balkans, an analysis of Italy's role in the enlargement process

Croatia, from the collapse of Agrokor to the Hotmail scandal

07/06/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

The financial meltdown of the largest Croatian consortium continues to have consequences, the most recent being the resignation of Minister of the Economy Martina Dalić, linked to the so-called Hotmail scandal.

Connecting Western Balkans to the European Union

17/05/2018 -  Gentiola Madhi*

In the last few years, "connectivity" has been one of the keywords of the process of EU enlargement to the Western Balkans. An analysis

Rijeka and the two languages of Fiume

22/03/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Rijeka

With the approach of 2020, when the main seaport of the Kvarner gulf will be “European capital of culture”, the question of bilingualism has reemerged

Plitvice lakes in danger

09/02/2018 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Tourism, traffic, pollution, and constructions. Plitvice, today, no longer rhymes with transparent waters and uncontaminated nature. And the lakes risk to be removed from the UNESCO heritage list

Saša Leković: media freedom in Croatia is deteriorating

18/01/2018 -  Giovanni ValeJelena Prtorić Zagreb

For the second time in two years, Croatia was visited by a delegation of associations for the protection of media freedom – a negative record for a EU member. We talked about it with the president of the Association of Croatian journalists

Femicide: the numbers in Europe

28/11/2017 -  Alberto BurbaMarzia Bona

Regardless of the law, cases of femicide still fill the news in Europe: this worrying subject continues to arouse the interest of the media and international institutions, including in South East Europe

The lack of protection for whistleblowers in Croatia

21/11/2017 -  Toni Gabrić Zagreb

In Croatia, as in other countries in the region, whistleblowers are not sufficiently protected and risk to be fired and socially marginalised. H-Alter's contribution to our dossier on whistleblowing

Drago Hedl: the journalist's craft, between threats and humiliations

20/09/2017 -  Ana Brakus

"In a way, my Osijek has shrunk, like a cheap shirt after the first wash". The great reporter on the recent attempt to bribe him, the main corruption and criminal cases he has been investigating, and his future as a writer

What happens to our holiday garbage?

13/09/2017 -  Marzia BonaLorenzo Ferrari

In tourist areas across Europe, the waste generated by tourism is managed by recycling and disposal systems that are often inefficient. An overview of the situation in South-East Europe

Finding Tito

04/09/2017 -  Giorgio Comai

Recently Zagreb city assembly decided to rename the square named after Josip Broz Tito. But how many streets and squares in the former Yugoslavia are dedicated to the former Yugoslav President?

Rijeka and the memory of the Nineties

04/08/2017 -  Marco Abram

Remembering the Nineties through the direct testimonies of volunteers, in the Croatian city that will be the European Capital of Culture in 2020

The political awakening of Croatia's islands

27/06/2017 -  Giovanni Vale

The islanders of Croatia want to be protagonists of their future, and their voices have arrived to Zagreb. A review

Citizen Kane in Croatia

21/04/2017 -  Toni Gabrić Zagreb

As the crisis of the Croatian economic giant Agrokor unfolds, H-Alter examines the relation between politics, media and business in the country: a key to explain the long lasting “invisibility” of Todorić in the media

Novosti under attack

24/02/2017 -  Marzia Bona

A campaign launched by conservative organization “In the name of the family” threatens to shut down the magazine Novosti, example of pluralism and quality journalism in Croatia

Croatia: above public opinion

16/02/2017 -  Toni Gabrić Zagreb

In Croatia, journalists and citizens have a hard time accessing information which should be of public domain

Viktor Ivančić: media, democracy, and politics

13/03/2017 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

All-out interview with Viktor Ivančić, one of the founders of the legendary weekly Feral Tribune. The media in Croatia, the Balkans, and former Yugoslavia. The risks for democracy

Omer Karabeg: The Bridge

30/12/2016 -  Luka Zanoni

For over 20 years, Omer Karabeg has hosted a programme titled Most (Bridge). The show deals with thorny, uncomfortable topics, seeking to create a dialogue between people of different viewpoints

Rajko Grlić: "Films are like acupuncture"

20/12/2016 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

Director Rajko Grlić is the author, together with writer and columnist Ante Tomić, of a film that has become a smash in southeast Europe. Four characters and an exam on the Constitution. Interview

The countries of former Yugoslavia at Rio 2016

04/08/2016 -  Natalia Kawana

Yugoslavia participated in many Summer Olympics, winning a record of 18 medals in 1984. Now its successor states all have hopes for medals, in spite of their young history of participating in the event as independent states

Croatia: radio and tv under the blows of the conservatives

22/07/2016 -  Sven Milekić Zagreb

A month after the fall of the government, right-wing parties remain in control of the Croatian public service, with layoffs and cancellations

Istria: being young in the 70's

14/07/2016 -  Davide Sighele

A documentary portrays the life of the Italian community in Istria through the eyes of children and teenagers. An interview with its director, Sabrina Benussi

Croatia: once upon a time there was Novi List

27/05/2016 -  Sven Milekić Zagabria

Once the bastion of the left-wing press, Novi List this last year made an abrupt turnabout in its editorial orientation, with the dismissal and downgrading of its most well-known columnists

Media in Croatia: a cause for alarm

11/05/2016 -  Giovanni Vale Zagreb

Following a five day mission in Zagreb, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Council of Europe, Nils Muižnieks, provides an account on the situation of media freedom in the country. Interview

Šešelj verdict: the dissenting judge

08/04/2016 -  Andrea Oskari Rossini Sarajevo

Italian judge Flavia Lattanzi, one of three members of the Trial Chamber in the Vojislav Šešelj judgment, explains her opposition to the majority decision

Mile Kekin: it is time for people to remember

14/04/2016 -  Božidar Stanišić

Songs by poet and musician Mile Kekin, front man of the punk-rock band from Zagreb "Hladno pivo", should be included in textbooks. Not just in Croatia, in all of Europe