North Macedonia - Articoli

Macedonia, detention and censorship

21/11/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

Censorship in Macedonia: the controversial case of Zoran Bozinovski, a journalist charged with criminal conspiracy, espionage and extortion, arrested in April 2016 and still in detention, while waiting for is trial to eventually start

Journalists Behind Bars

13/10/2016 -  Mogens Blicher Bjerregård* Brussels

Killings, imprisonments and other methods to silence journalists happens all too often, in Europe as elsewhere in the world. In this editorial, the importance of being on the side of those who are threatened

Macedonia, establishment and crisis

16/08/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

Institutional crisis in Macedonia: outcome of corrupt and authoritarian politicians, or by-product of the country's political system? A commentary by our correspondent

The countries of former Yugoslavia at Rio 2016

04/08/2016 -  Natalia Kawana

Yugoslavia participated in many Summer Olympics, winning a record of 18 medals in 1984. Now its successor states all have hopes for medals, in spite of their young history of participating in the event as independent states

Brexit: the consequences for the EU enlargement

27/06/2016 -  Marzia Bona

The results of the referendum held in the UK will have significant consequences for the process of European integration of the South-Eastern European countries

Macedonia: the media struggle

26/05/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The media sector in Macedonia is increasingly becoming a battlefield in the struggle between government and the opposition

Macedonia: SOS Ohrid

11/02/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The town and lake Ohrid are endangered by a vast urbanization plan, which is opposed by local citizens and international scholars

Macedonia: protecting the Šar Planina

08/01/2016 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Tetovo

The Šar Planina mountains are one of the richest biodiversity areas in the Balkans, but they are not protected. The project of a Natural Park could change the picture

Macedonia, the Refugee Emergency

23/09/2015 -  Francesca Rolandi

The NGO Legis is one of the few organizations working with migrants and refugees in Macedonia. An interview with Mersiha Smailovikj, one of the founders of Legis, provides a complex picture of the situation

Business on the Balkan Trail: Macedonia

17/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Gevgelija

Dozens of company-owned buses wait for refugees at the border between Greece and Macedonia, to take them across the country, all the way up to Serbia

The Balkan Trail: from Thessaloniki to Gevgelija

16/09/2015 -  Giovanni Vale Thessaloniki

Before reaching the town of Gevgelija, Macedonia, our correspondent stops in Thessaloniki to discuss the refugees' situation with the Mayor. Third episode

Journalism in Macedonia: the awful truth

17/08/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski Skopje

The case of a journalist assaulted twice in less than 24 hours leads to distressing conclusions on the state of the media in the country

Slow Food Macedonia, fishing biodiversity

06/08/2015 -  Francesco Martino Stenje

Lake Prespa, on the border between Macedonia, Albania and Greece preserves unique biodiversity and culinary traditions. Like that of the dried fish "cironki", whose origins are lost in time

Macedonia: last stop towards fortress Europe

30/06/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

The path of the migrants towards the EU is full of risks. Following the Balkan route, the 200 km crossing Macedonia can be the most deadly. Our report

Macedonia: an exit strategy

22/05/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

In the aftermath of the Skopje rallies, internal talks supported by EU and US diplomacy are trying to draft an exit strategy to the crisis

The Pristina reactions after Kumanovo

15/05/2015 -  Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi Pristina

The Kosovo authorities are concerned about the participation of their citizens in the conflict in Macedonia, but deny any organized involvement

Macedonia, after Kumanovo

19/05/2015 -  Ilcho Cvetanoski

Macedonia is trying to deal with the recent armed clashes in the city of Kumanovo. The debate focuses on pan-Albanian nationalism, but the government is also suspected of an attempt to distract the public from its scandals

Voices from the VIII SEEMF: Oliver Vujović

29/10/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova Skopje

Journalists should speak up about the problems they face in their work, as there are problems everywhere in Europe. An interview with Oliver Vujović, SEEMO Secretary General

The Skopje Media Forum: Europe calling

24/10/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova Skopje

Croatian journalist Zrinka Vrabec Mojzeš spoke at the Skopje Media Forum about the dangerous relations among politics, media and media owners in the region, and advocated the need for a European-level legislation on media. Interview

Macedonia: analyst caught in political crossfire over Freedom House report

09/07/2014 -  Svetla Dimitrova

Ljubica Grozdanovska Dimishkovska, author of international report critical of the country's level of democracy, was criticised for her analysis, with pro-government media seeing it as serving the interests of the opposition as well as those of Greece

Winter asylum in the EU

02/04/2014 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Germany is reviewing its regulations in order to discourage false asylum seekers from the Balkans, mainly of Roma origin, knocking at its door. But not all Roma asylum requests are fake

Macedonian governmental media

25/02/2014 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Public money for advertisement could turn into a further tool for media control, while Freedom House downgrades Macedonia 22 places in rank

A Macedonian Ruby

11/10/2013 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

A keyboard player in one of the major Macedonian punk rock bands of the 80's, Badmingtons, is now promoting a unique project and a national brand: the Macedonian Ruby. The story of Dejan Škartov, better-known in Skopje as Deko

Blitz trade war between Macedonia and Kosovo ends

19/09/2013 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Truck drivers sealed off the border after a rapid escalation in trade restrictions between Macedonia and Kosovo. The situation quickly came back to normal, but not without consequences

Macedonia's fragile real estate market

12/08/2013 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

Rumors on the impending collapse of the real estate market in Macedonia have been spreading for some time. Lately, they are increasing

Skopje, you will be joy

06/08/2013 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

The Macedonian capital remembered the 50th anniversary of the devastating earthquake of July 26, 1963. On that day, the city stopped breathing

Macedonian political crisis: opposition to run in local elections

14/03/2013 -  Risto Karajkov

Thanks to the mediation of Štefan Füle, EU Commissioner for the Enlargement, the Social Democratic Macedonian opposition declined to boycott the local elections, scheduled for March 24. The institutional crisis is over, but the problems of democratic functioning of the institutions remain

Macedonia's state of democracy

17/01/2013 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In October 2012, the European Commission gave green light to Macedonia for the fourth time in a row to start the EU accession negotiations, still blocked by a Greek veto. But what is the real state of democracy in the country? Our correspondent takes us on a personal reflection on indicators rarely taken into account

The crushed salt of Macedonia

11/10/2012 -  Francesco Martino Kratovo

The crushed salt of Kratovo comes directly from the sun and the wind that kiss the Osogovski mountains, in Macedonia. A journey into the secrets of a family that wants to open the country's first “slow hostel”, distant a three-day horse ride from the Aegean sea

Macedonia: The Communist Reality

05/09/2012 -  Risto Karajkov Skopje

In Macedonia, the process of dealing with the communist past of the country is becoming more and more to resemble a reality show. Lists of former secret service agents are published on the internet, civil servants are removed from office, new categories of citizens end under screening. But some warn that privacy and civil rights are at stake