Negli ultimi cinque anni la velocità media di accesso alla rete è quadruplicata in Italia, in linea con miglioramenti avvenuti in tutta Europa. Alcuni territori rischiano però di restare esclusi: sono fondamentali gli investimenti pubblici nella banda larga sostenuti dall'UE
L’Unione europea intende proteggere la biodiversità dei propri ecosistemi: per farlo sta stanziando alcuni miliardi di euro all'anno, soprattutto nell'ambito degli interventi sostenuti dalla politica di coesione. L'impegno però varia da stato a stato
Rural areas have a key role in ensuring the success of the energy transition. Installing new ground-mounted photovoltaic systems in the countryside of Spain, Romania and France would cover a large part of the European Union's energy needs
With the funds allocated by cohesion policy, the EU has significantly increased investments in the production of renewable energy, thus providing significant help to member states in achieving decarbonisation objectives
L'aumento delle temperature globali e l'accentuarsi delle siccità renderanno gli incendi boschivi eventi sempre più frequenti. Il 2022 è stato un anno che ha colpito duramente le foreste protette in Europa, e quelle della Romania in particolare. Come rispondere alla sfida?
Negli ultimi anni il sud-est Europa ha registrato un sensibile aumento degli incendi boschivi, soprattutto a causa dell’aggravarsi delle condizioni climatiche che facilitano la rapida diffusione delle fiamme
Over the last 20 years, the EU has distributed more than 8 billion Euros to help member states and candidates deal with the consequences of natural or health disasters. How does the fund work? Which countries have benefited the most?
Nel 2022 in Italia il livello di disponibilità idrica è stato il più basso di sempre a causa della siccità che ha colpito il paese. Dove ha colpito di più il fenomeno? Quale impatto sui territori locali, e cosa possono fare le amministrazioni?
1.8 million projects carried out by over 600,000 entities thanks to the EU cohesion policy. Who managed this myriad of initiatives, and on which areas and subjects were resources concentrated? A look at the data from the Kohesio platform
For the 2014-2020 programming period, the European Union allocated around 5.9 billion Euros under its cohesion policy to implement renewable energy projects. An overview of the data
Romania is a virtuous example of how European funds for investment in information and telecommunications infrastructure can make a difference in offering quality services to citizens. A look at the data
In the Balkans, a region where energy is produced from fossil fuels or – when from renewable sources – from hydroelectric energy, energy communities are gaining ground: groups of citizens and small businesses that focus on self-production and self-consumption of renewable energy
Energy communities are projects in which citizens associate both as producers and consumers of clean energy at a local level. There are already many of them, including in South-Eastern Europe. They could be supported by EU cohesion policy, but that is not the case yet
Kosovo is growing fast in the field of innovation, but the strong potential of the sector is currently not being used as much as it deserves. We talked about it with Uranik Begu, director of the Innovation Center Kosovo
The Balkan countries are struggling to keep up with the rest of Europe in terms of Internet connection speed. The only exception is Romania, which - not surprisingly - is the country in the area that is best able to spend cohesion funds on ICT
Between 2014 and 2020, Bulgaria received around 4 billion Euros from the European Union for regional and social development projects. An overview of the data
Between 2014 and 2020, Slovenia received over 1.7 billion Euros from the European Union for regional and social development projects. An overview of the data
Between 2014 and 2020, Greece received over 9 billion Euros from the European Union for regional and social development projects. An overview of the data
Between 2014 and 2020, Romania received over 9 billion Euros from the European Union for regional and social development projects. An overview of the data
Between 2014 and 2020, Croatia received almost 4 billion Euros from the European Union for regional and social development projects. An overview of the data