Durante i conflitti nei Balcani degli anni '90 furono decine di migliaia gli italiani che parteciparono a missioni umanitarie in favore delle popolazioni colpite dalla guerra. A oltre vent'anni dall'inizio di quella mobilitazione, “Cercavamo la pace” intende indagare questo importante capitolo della storia politica e sociale europea. La presentazione del progetto di ricerca
The Italian association „Luciano Lama“ gave hospitality to Bosnian war orphans for summer vacations in Sicily during the Nineties. Ties started 20 years ago are still strong
The girl that runs. It is the title of a famous photo by Mario Boccia, Italian photojournalist, snapped on September 30th, 1993. A day like any other in Sarajevo, under siege for 17 months, between bombings and snipers. Twenty years later, Mario tells the story
Marching to Sarajevo to contribute to peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and promote popular diplomacy and non-violent interposition. This was the goal of over two thousand Italian and foreign pacifists who took part in "Mir Sada - Peace Now" in August 1993. One of our journalists participated
27 May 2013
Friends and family members have placed a memorial stone on the site where three Italian pacifists, Guido Puletti, Sergio Lana and Fabio Moreni, were murdered on May 29 twenty years ago while carrying aid to the Bosnian population