OBCT has promoted several projects addressing memoryrelated issues and centred on public dissemination of research in the field of memory policies in South Eastern Europe and Italy, including:
➢ The Testimony - Truth or Politics: a project on the role of testimony in the memory of the Yugoslav dissolution in 2017.
➢ Crimini, giustizia, riconciliazione nelle guerre balcaniche: the construction of an elearning tool on war, justice and reconciliation after the Yugoslav wars of dissolutions during the 90s.
➢ Cercavamo la pace: a multidisciplinary research on the Italian anti-war movement during the Yugoslav wars with a crowdsourcing platform collecting memories and documents related to the grassroots antiwar and solidarity movement between Italy and the Balkans.
➢ Circle of memory: an award-winning documentary in 2007 film on the politics of WWII memory in socialist Yugoslavia and its impact during the 1990s.
➢ After Srebrenica: an award-winning documentary film in 2005 on the divided memories in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina.
➢ AESTOVEST. Storia, memoria e attualità di una terra di confine: one multimedia DVD-rom and online educational project exploring the 20th century history and memories in the Upper Adriatic region in 2008.
➢ Several training activities for high school teachers, students and pupils including the organizations of intercultural learning weeks on the history and memory in the Upper Adriatic region and of study visits to concentration camps in Central Europe.
➢ Lectures, events, book presentations.
➢ among the awareness raising activities an online debate ‘Has the ICTY contributed to reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia?’ on the role of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the reconciliation process in former Yugoslavia and a letter to its President (2013).
➢ Il muro nel Cuore: a collaborative exhibition on everyday life in the countries of the former Soviet bloc and in the Balkan area in the period 1945-1989.
➢ Reporting on OBCT website about the politics of memory, active remembrance and reconciliation in today's Europe, with a specific focus on the South-Eastern and Eastern region of the continent.
OBCT organized various international conferences and public events, among which:
➢ ‘Remembering Yugoslav wars: testimonies and art’, within the project ‘The Testimony - Truth or Politics’ (Trento, 2017).
➢ ‘Cercavamo la Pace: mobilitazione civica e politica internazionale’ (Trento, 2014)
➢ ‘Becoming Europe’ (Bergamo, 2013).
➢ ‘Memorie d'Europa. Dalla Grande Guerra all'integrazione europea, spunti da Ungheria e Trentino’ (Rovereto, 2012).
➢ ‘The Long-lasting '89. The Balkans and the Caucasus between Expectations and Enchantment after the Fall of the Berlin Wall’ (Trento, 2009);
➢ ‘Dealing with the past and reconciliation in South East Europe’ (Vienna, 2008);
➢ ‘Bad Memories. Sites, emblems and narrations of the war in the Balkans’ (Rovereto,
OBCT produced the following scholarly publications in the field:
➢ Marco Abram, Marzia Bona (2016), ‘Sarajevo. Provaci tu, cittadino del mondo. L’esperienza transnazionale dei volontari italiani nella mobilitazione di solidarietàin ex-Jugoslavia ’, Italia Contemporanea, Aprile 2016, 280/2016, pp. 66-93.
➢ Christian Costamagna (2016), ‘Šešelj: la sentenza di primo grado’, Occasional Paper Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, Rovereto (TN).
➢ Marco Abram (2015), ‘Building the Capital City of the Peoples of Yugoslavia. Representations of Socialist Yugoslavism in Belgrade’s Public Space 1944-1961 ’, Politička misao.
➢ Andrea Oskari Rossini (2015), ‘Percorsi di giustizia nella Bosnia Erzegovina postbellica’, Occasional Paper Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Rovereto (TN).
➢ Luisa Chiodi and Roberta Bertoldi (2015), ‘Educare alla riconciliazione e alla Convivenza’, in Fondazione Intercultura, Saper vivere insieme. Umanitarismo, riconciliazione, educazione alla convivenza . Atti del convegno, Siena: Biblioteca della Fondazione, pp.209-217.
➢ Marco Abram (2014), ‘I territori italiani nella mobilitazione civile per la ex-Jugoslavia: i caratteri dell'esperienza trentina’, Archivio Trentino.
➢ Andrea Oskari Rossini (2013), ‘The road home’, in New Politics, Winter Vol:XIV-2, New York (NY).
➢ Marco Abram (2012), ‘20.Oktobar – Narratives of Identities in the Celebrations for Belgrade’s Liberation Day (1945-1961)’, in History of Communism in Europe Vol.3, Communism, Nationalism and State Building in Post-War Europe.
➢ Luisa Chiodi and Andrea Rossini (2011) 'La guerra ai civili nella guerra di Bosnia-Erzegovina (1992-1995) ', in Deportate, esuli, profughe, N. 15, January 2011, pp.240-245.
➢ Luisa Chiodi (2011) 'La ricostruzione dell'identità adriatica dopo la guerra fredda', in Trinchese S. e Caccamo F., ed., Rotte adriatiche. Tra Italia, Balcani e Mediterraneo, Franco Angeli Editore, Milano, pp. 184-188.
➢ Luisa Chiodi (2008) (edited by) Bad memories. Sites, symbols and narrations of wars in the Balkans, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Rovereto.
➢ Luisa Chiodi and Rando Devole (2006), ‘Conflicting memories and mutual representations: Italy and Albania since 1989’, Occasional Paper gennaio 2006
➢ Andrea Oskari Rossini (2006), ‘L'azione del tribunale penale dell'Aja per la ex-Jugoslavia: verso una riconciliazione nell'area balcanica?’, in Chiodi Luisa e Privitera Francesco (a cura di), Guida ai paesi dell'Europa centrale orientale e balcanica - Annuario politico-economico 2005, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 87-98.