
Conferenza internazionale e festa per i 15 anni di Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso


The international conference aims at bringing the Balkans, Turkey and the wider post-Soviet space, from Ukraine to the Caucasus, back in the spotlight, fostering public debate on the relevance of the latest developments in these countries and regions for the state of today's Europe overall.

The exodus of refugees along the “Balkan route”, armed conflicts and international interventions, threats to the freedom of information: two plenary sessions and three parallel workshops will allow citizens to engage in a dialogue with scholars, politicians, journalists, international officers and practitioners from many European countries.

Several questions are up to debate, with a common thread: what can possibly be the contribution of civil society networks in overcoming the complex challenges that Europe is facing?

From 20.30 onward - Birthday party "Que viva OBC!"

Music, literature and much more to celebrate OBC’s 15th anniversary together with our great community.


Promoters: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso in cooperation with:

Jean Monnet Centre of excellence - University of Trento, School of International Studies - University of Trento, Research Project on International Policies and Conflicts (CeRPIC - FBK), Forum trentino per la Pace e i Diritti Umani , Training Centre for International Cooperation , European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), La rivista il Mulino

with the support and the patronage of the Municipality of Rovereto


04/11/2015 - 

European Media Freedom Conference 2015

08/10/2015 - 

Europe‘s top journalists, academics, media companies and politicians meet in Leipzig, Germany, at the European Media Freedom Conference 2015. The event is the first of its kind for the newly-established European Centre for Press and Media Freedom .

Les réfugiés en cartes


Refugees/Migrants Emergency - Map by Olivier Clochard, geographer at the University of Poitiers and member of the Association Migreurop

Refugees: The Balkan Route

26/08/2015 - 

Thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers fleeing war and persecutions, are making a dangerous journey across the Balkans to enter the European Union. A Dossier

Refugees: The Balkan Route

25/08/2015 - 

Thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers fleeing war and persecutions, are making a dangerous journey across the Balkans to enter the European Union. A Dossier


17/06/2015 - 

Through a partnership between Index on Censorship, European Federation of Journalists and Reporters Without Borders Mapping Media Freedom monitors and visualises the state of media freedom in Europe by crowdsourcing reports of violations and limitations from journalists and press freedom watchdogs. Get involved!