
Media Country Reports 2014


Media Country Reports 2014 by SEEMO and Ossigeno

Slovenia | Serbia | Romania | Turkey | Croatia | Macedonia | Bulgaria | Greece | Cyprus | Montenegro | Italy

Je suis Charlie. Media Freedom in the EU and South Eastern Europe


What stands in the way of media freedom, journalistic safety and independence and how to defend citizens' right to information in Europe? Public seminar "Je suis Charlie. Media Freedom in the EU and South Eastern Europe" promoted by OBC at the European Parliament on the 28th of January.

On-line debate!

24/11/2014 - 

Is the European Neighbourhood Policy responsible for the crisis in Ukraine? Have your say and comment the opinions of two MEPs, Jacek Saryusz-Wolski and Helmut Scholz


20/11/2014 - 

The South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF2014) was organised by SEEMO in Skopje from 16 to 18 October with the participation of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso and the project 'Safety Net'


29/09/2014 - 

Renewable Energy in the Balkans

29/09/2014 - 

[2014] The energy issue is high on the agenda of the European debate. The Balkans are often mentioned as a gateway, the one European region that can become an ideal host for corridors and pipelines. But, what about the internal production of energy from renewable sources in South East Europe? This dossier, produced in the frame of the BeEU project , analyses what is at stake and the current positioning of green energy in some of the region's EU member States

Renewable Energy in the Balkans

29/09/2014 - 

[2014] The energy issue is high on the agenda of the European debate. The Balkans are often mentioned as a gateway, the one European region that can become an ideal host for corridors and pipelines. But, what about the internal production of energy from renewable sources in South East Europe? This dossier, produced in the frame of the BeEU project , analyses what is at stake and the current positioning of green energy in some of the region's EU member States