
Regard sur l'est

17/06/2013 - 

The French revue Regard sur l'est, specialized in actuality and analysis of Eastern countries, has published the dossier: "The role of children in Central and Eastern Europe ". Cristina Bezzi, a researcher financed by Caritro foundation within Oservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, has contributed to the dossier with an article entitled “Children “left behind” or transnational childhood within Romanian Moldova? ”.

On-line Debate

10/06/2013 - 

The Gezi Park protests, and the brutal reaction of the police, have relaunched the international debate on Turkey's accession to the EU. Join the live debate on OBC with our two guests, Joost Lagendijk and Renate Sommer

Good morning Pančevo

29/05/2013 - 

One of the most polluted cities in Europe, home of a large industrial district during Socialist Yugoslavia, Pančevo suffered the devastating consequences of the NATO bombings of 1999. It is now slowly rising up. A video-report

Interviews: Nicole Corritore, Davide Sighele
Camera: Andrea Pandini
Editing: Davide Sighele

Organic Balkans. Rural development and European integration

22/05/2013 - 

Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

invites you to the

Seminar and book launch

Organic Balkans. Rural development and European integration

TUESDAY 28th May 2013 | h 11:00

University of Belgrade | Faculty of Agriculture
ZEMUN, Nemanjina 6

The book:
"Organic Balkans. Stakeholders, policies, and institutions: a regional perspective" by Matteo Vittuari (Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, 2011)

Organic agriculture in the Balkans is still in its early stages though it already acts as a fundamental stimulus to sustainable rural development in the region. Through a comparative analysis of organic farming in the countries of South East Europe, the book provides original insights into the process of European Union integration


Sira Miori, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture in Belgrade

Prof. Natalija Bogdanov, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade

Matteo Vittuari, author of the book Faculty of Agriculture of Bologna.


Francesca Vanoni, Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso (OBC)

The seminar is open to the public and will be in English

Organised by: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

In cooperation with: Italian Institute of Culture in Belgrade

With the support of: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Autonomous Province of Trento
within the Programme SeeNet II


Caucasus International Summer School

16/05/2013 - 

The Caucasus International Summer School constitutes a unique opportunity for approaching, with high level international scholars from various disciplines, what makes the South Caucasus a priority in contemporary international studies. From 8th to 12th July, 2013 in Dimaro -Trentino, Italian Alps

Our partners

10/04/2013 - 

The legacy of the Hague

06/03/2013 - 

On 5th March we concluded our on-line debate on the Hague Tribunal. The rich contributions that emerged will be presented directly to the ICTY. We thank all of you who participated. Go to the page devoted to the debate

Live Debate!

08/02/2013 - 

Has the ICTY contributed to reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia?

In 1993 the United Nations Security Council created the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. One of the main aims of the ICTY was to “contribute to the restoration and maintenance of peace” in the region. The results of the Tribunal's work have been recently assessed by the ICTY President, judge Theodor Meron, in the last report presented to the United Nations General Assembly: “The remarkable achievements of the Tribunal [...] have contributed to bringing peace and reconciliation to the countries of the former Yugoslavia [...] forging a new international culture of accountability”. Is it so?