Presentazioni progetti

The Italian Presidency of the OSCE 2018: challenges and opportunities in priority areas

25/05/2018 - 

The joint OBCT/ CeSPI project aims to provide up-to-date, in-depth knowledge of some of the areas in which the OSCE operates directly, of particular relevance for the Italian Presidency. The project will focus in particular on two regions: the areas of long-term conflict (Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorno-Karabakh) and the Western Balkans. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Alliance for the Development and Promotion of Family Agriculture in Northern Albania

17/07/2017 - 

Promoting agriculture and protecting the environment in northern Albania by investing in traditional know-how, typical products, and women's empowerment - this is the goal of a three-year programme promoted by Reggio Terzo Mondo and COSPE, with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and OBCT as media partner

The Berlin process: actors, relations, and the transnational public sphere

04/07/2017 - 

Research project carried out by OBC Transeuropa and CeSPI , with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – MAECI (extraordinary contribution as per ex art. 2 of law 948/82), within the framework of the Berlin Process for the European integration of the Western Balkans. Goal: to monitor and gather inputs from the Civil Society Forum and the European think-tanks that met to prepare the Trieste inter-governmental summit (July 12th, 2017)

La governance internazionale dei flussi misti tra Europa e Africa. Tendenze recenti, ostacoli e opportunità di sviluppo

14/06/2017 - 

Research project carried out by OBC Transeuropa, FIERI e CeSPI thanks to the financial support of the Analysis, Programming and Historic-Diplomatic Documentation Unit of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (contribution awarded under Article 2 Law No. 948/82). Within this project OBC Transeuropa carried out the research: “The Implementation of the EU-Turkey Deal: The Effects on Reception”.

EDJNet – European Data Journalism Network

05/04/2017 - 

The European Data Journalism Network – EDJNet is a new data-driven endeavour aimed at supporting European journalists in the coverage of European issues, and at providing the general public with valuable editorial tools for better understanding Europe. EDJNet has been set up by a consortium of European media outlets led by Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (Italy) and VoxEurop (France). For three years, EDJNet transnational board will produce data-driven news in up to 12 languages, develop automated tools to increase newsrooms’ productivity and exploit existing data-driven resources, and provide tailored, on-demand advice on data-journalism applied to EU affairs. From October 2017, the content and services produced by EDJNet are available for free through a specific multilingual and open source website, and on EDJNet partners’ own website.

The Testimony - Truth or Politics

22/02/2017 - 

Twenty-five years after the outbreak of the Yugoslav wars, much still needs to be done to integrate the memories of this chapter of recent history in the reflection about the wider European space of memory. THE TESTIMONY - TRUTH OR POLITICS is a project aiming to publicly reflect on the Yugoslav dissolution, placing centre stage individual testimonies of those who experienced the conflict, taking sides or opposing resistance to it.

Parliament of rights 2

28/11/2016 - 

The project "Parliament of Rights" aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of the European Parliament in the Union's democratic life and in the definition of European policies for fundamental rights.

Parliament of rights 1

28/11/2016 - 

The project "Parliament of Rights" aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of the European Parliament in the Union's democratic life and in the definition of European policies for fundamental rights.

Jean Monnet Module

23/08/2016 - 

The Jean Monnet Module The EU and the political development in South-East Europe / EUSEE is a three-year project [2015-2018] sponsored by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the University of Trento in collaboration with OBC Transeuropa, and with the support of the European Union. The Module will help students acquire in-depth, first-hand knowledge about the South-east European region and its Europeanization process through a variety of educational tools and activities.

The EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region: the fatigues of the process

25/05/2016 - 

In October 2014, the EU launched its Macro-Regional Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian area, EUSAIR. One year later, OBC and CeSPI analysed its first steps, challenges and opportunities, in the frame of the project “The Adriatic-Ionian macro-region: a hurdle process. The start of the Adriatic-Ionian Regional Strategy in the perspective of Italian foreign policy and the European integration of the Western Balkans”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).