Presentazioni progetti

Rijeka in Flux: Borders and Urban Change after World War II

12/11/2019 - 

"Rijeka in Flux " is a four-year international research project which aims to investigate the effects on the city of Rijeka of the displacement of the border between Yugoslavia and Italy after the Second World War. The scholars of the historical research team will share the results of their work both through traditional academic channels and using the interactive online map dedicated to Rijeka. The map is also designed as a crowdsourcing tool open to all researchers, witnesses, and citizens who wish to share their knowledge of the city.


20/02/2019 - 

The technical innovations connected to the exploitation of big data, along with new laws such as GDPR, are radically changing the ICT scenario inside and outside the European Union. Panelfit is a European network of 13 organisations, working in different fields, who work together in order to take advantage of the technological opportunities of these processes without compromisingthe citizens’ security and fundamental rights. Panelfit addresses ethical and legal issues focusing on three main areas: data commercialization, informed consent on the use of personal data, security and cybersecurity issues.
OBCT, in line with its continuous activity of information about different aspects and issues of the European landscape, takes part in PANELFIT reference point of the European Data Journalism Network, in order to foster the journalistic coverage and the debate around the project themes.

Again Never Again

08/11/2018 - 

The project NeverAgain: Teaching Transmission of Trauma and Remembrance through Experiential Learning seeks to test new experiential methodologies to deal with traumas of the past present in our societies.

The project is coordinated by SELMA: Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory of the University of Turku (Selma Centre) and cofinanced by the programme "Europefor citizens" in the European Union. Partners include both academic actors like the universities of Regensburg, Copenhagen, and Vilnius and NGOs like Patrir, Cluj, and TPO, Sarajevo.


05/11/2018 - 

ESVEI tackles structural issues that in recent years are increasing the vulnerability to external interference of democratic processes, taking Italy as a case study. It aims at increasing awareness, initiating policy debates, and providing sensible, forward-looking policy recommendations in three domains that are central to democratic processes in modern societies, but that, due to inadequate regulations and poor practices, needlessly expose such processes to meddling: social media and disinformation; transparency of funding and lobbying; cybersecurity.

The European Union and the Western Balkans: Enlargement and Resilience

26/10/2018 - 

The project aims to offer university students a better understanding of European foreign policy matters, with particular focus on Southeastern European and Eastern Partnership countries. It includes interactive seminars that are also streamed online for a wider audience, internship opportunities at Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT), and a students' blog. The project is promoted by the Jean Monnet Excellence Centre of the University of Trento in cooperation with Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa and with the support of the European Union.

The Italian Presidency of the OSCE 2018: challenges and opportunities in priority areas

25/05/2018 - 

The joint OBCT/ CeSPI project aims to provide up-to-date, in-depth knowledge of some of the areas in which the OSCE operates directly, of particular relevance for the Italian Presidency. The project will focus in particular on two regions: the areas of long-term conflict (Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorno-Karabakh) and the Western Balkans. The project is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Alliance for the Development and Promotion of Family Agriculture in Northern Albania

17/07/2017 - 

Promoting agriculture and protecting the environment in northern Albania by investing in traditional know-how, typical products, and women's empowerment - this is the goal of a three-year programme promoted by Reggio Terzo Mondo and COSPE, with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and OBCT as media partner

The Berlin process: actors, relations, and the transnational public sphere

04/07/2017 - 

Research project carried out by OBC Transeuropa and CeSPI , with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – MAECI (extraordinary contribution as per ex art. 2 of law 948/82), within the framework of the Berlin Process for the European integration of the Western Balkans. Goal: to monitor and gather inputs from the Civil Society Forum and the European think-tanks that met to prepare the Trieste inter-governmental summit (July 12th, 2017)

La governance internazionale dei flussi misti tra Europa e Africa. Tendenze recenti, ostacoli e opportunità di sviluppo

14/06/2017 - 

Research project carried out by OBC Transeuropa, FIERI e CeSPI thanks to the financial support of the Analysis, Programming and Historic-Diplomatic Documentation Unit of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (contribution awarded under Article 2 Law No. 948/82). Within this project OBC Transeuropa carried out the research: “The Implementation of the EU-Turkey Deal: The Effects on Reception”.

EDJNet – European Data Journalism Network

05/04/2017 - 

The European Data Journalism Network – EDJNet is a new data-driven endeavour aimed at supporting European journalists in the coverage of European issues, and at providing the general public with valuable editorial tools for better understanding Europe. EDJNet has been set up by a consortium of European media outlets led by Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (Italy) and VoxEurop (France). For three years, EDJNet transnational board will produce data-driven news in up to 12 languages, develop automated tools to increase newsrooms’ productivity and exploit existing data-driven resources, and provide tailored, on-demand advice on data-journalism applied to EU affairs. From October 2017, the content and services produced by EDJNet are available for free through a specific multilingual and open source website, and on EDJNet partners’ own website.