Cohesion policy is the European Union’s main tool for promoting economic growth and social welfare, by achieving a more homogeneous level of development across its territories and by particularly stimulating less developed and depressed regions. In 2021-2023, we have illustrated through the Work4Future project the challenges faced by South-Eastern European regions and the initiatives promoted thanks to cohesion funds. Building on this experience, we continue our engagement with the Energy4Future project that aims to explore and narrate the support that cohesion funds provide to counter energy crisis and energy poverty and by stimulating energy transition at the European level.
Regional cooperation is a pillar of the stabilisation and association process of the Western Balkan countries, and has been considered as an opportunity to overcome the existing divisions between the civil societies in these countries. Over the past two decades, the number of regional cooperation initiatives has increased significantly, while the enlargement process has slowed down. The project seeks to improve the understanding of regional cooperation mechanisms and initiatives that contribute to the European integration agenda of the six Western Balkan countries, in order to be able to further strengthen the virtuous paths. The research work aims to identify and analyse the existing regional cooperation initiatives in the region, comparing them to the empirical analysis of the Berlin Process experience. In addition, the project intends to explore the reasons for the success of the Berlin Process and the role played by the political elites and the European Commission in realising its intended goals.
Due to climate change, large forest fires are becoming an increasingly serious threat in many regions of Europe. The multi-year project FIRE-RES – an acronym that stands for "Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe" aims to develop and disseminate effective solutions to prevent and manage fires of extreme magnitude, intervening on many levels and in different phases. It is co-financed by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme and is coordinated by the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia; 34 organisations from 13 countries participate, including OBC Transeuropa. In addition to journalistic content, OBCT contributes with dissemination, training, and awareness-raising campaigns, thanks to its growing experience in the field of communication of scientific research and journalism on environmental issues.
The Parliament of Rights - 3rd edition aims at contributing to a better understanding of the role of the European Parliament, as the only institution directly elected by European citizens, in the democratic life of the Union, in defining European policies for fundamental rights, and on crucial matters for the future of our continent such as climate, the environment, migration, and digital. In this complex moment for our continent, now is the time to imagine post-pandemic Europe. We will be doing this by promoting an informed, open, and plural public debate that will involve MEPs, experts, journalists, students, teachers, and policymakers in debates, seminars, and workshops. We thus intend to make our contribution to the participation of citizens in the European decision-making process and civil society’s capacity for action at the transnational level, which is essential for relaunching the European project from below and promoting a Europe of rights.
The project, co-financed by CEI - Central European Initiative, intends to explore the main aspects of the so-called "Balkan route" by investigating the situation in the countries most affected by the transit of migrants and on the most exposed borders (Turkey/ Greece; Turkey/ Bulgaria, Bosnia Herzegovina/ Croatia; Italy/ Slovenia). The research, conducted in partnership by OBCT and CeSPI, will address the characteristics and evolution of the "Balkan route" in a multi-perspective manner, and then investigate the migration management of the countries examined - from Turkey to the Italian-Slovenian border - and the repercussions of these policies both internally and in international relations, combining analysis of the sources already available and qualitative interviews with privileged witnesses.
The project, co-financed by CEI - Central European Initiative, intends to explore the main aspects of the so-called "Balkan route" by investigating the situation in the countries most affected by the transit of migrants and on the most exposed borders (Turkey/ Greece; Turkey/ Bulgaria, Bosnia Herzegovina/ Croatia; Italy/ Slovenia). The research, conducted in partnership by OBCT and CeSPI, will address the characteristics and evolution of the "Balkan route" in a multi-perspective manner, and then investigate the migration management of the countries examined - from Turkey to the Italian-Slovenian border - and the repercussions of these policies both internally and in international relations, combining analysis of the sources already available and qualitative interviews with privileged witnesses.
The objective of the project is to identify and explore common points and synergies between the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and the EU enlargement in Western Balkan countries participating to the Macroregion. The project is carried out with the collaboration of CeSPI. It is financed by DG Regional and Urban Policy.
Research project aimed at exploring the recent history and current status of the communities of historical Italian minorities living in South-Eastern Europe, simultaneously investigating the potential of Italy's foreign policies as a kin state of these minorities and as a political actor of strategic importance in this area. Co-funded by MAECI (pursuant to art. 23-bis) and conducted by OBCT in collaboration with the Department of History of the University of Rijeka, Eurac Research, and the Trentino Historical Museum Foundation (FMST)
The project, supported by Fondazione Caritro , intends to bring to light a little-known story - that of Serbian and Russian prisoners of war employed on the Alpine front as forced labour during the First World War - and to involve students in an active learning process.