Presentazioni progetti

Introduction the Balkan route 5 years later

08/03/2021 - 

The Balkan route five years later

The project, co-financed by CEI - Central European Initiative, intends to explore the main aspects of the so-called "Balkan route" by investigating the situation in the countries most affected by the transit of migrants and on the most exposed borders (Turkey/ Greece; Turkey/ Bulgaria, Bosnia Herzegovina/ Croatia; Italy/ Slovenia). The research, conducted in partnership by OBCT and CeSPI, will address the characteristics and evolution of the "Balkan route" in a multi-perspective manner, and then investigate the migration management of the countries examined - from Turkey to the Italian-Slovenian border - and the repercussions of these policies both internally and in international relations, combining analysis of the sources already available and qualitative interviews with privileged witnesses.


08/03/2021 - 
Migranti lungo la rotta balcanica

The Balkan route 5 years later

17/02/2021 - 

The project, co-financed by CEI - Central European Initiative, intends to explore the main aspects of the so-called "Balkan route" by investigating the situation in the countries most affected by the transit of migrants and on the most exposed borders (Turkey/ Greece; Turkey/ Bulgaria, Bosnia Herzegovina/ Croatia; Italy/ Slovenia). The research, conducted in partnership by OBCT and CeSPI, will address the characteristics and evolution of the "Balkan route" in a multi-perspective manner, and then investigate the migration management of the countries examined - from Turkey to the Italian-Slovenian border - and the repercussions of these policies both internally and in international relations, combining analysis of the sources already available and qualitative interviews with privileged witnesses.

EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) facilitating the Enlargement process of the Western Balkans

18/11/2020 - 

The objective of the project is to identify and explore common points and synergies between the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) and the EU enlargement in Western Balkan countries participating to the Macroregion.
The project is carried out with the collaboration of CeSPI. It is financed by DG Regional and Urban Policy.

The Italian communities in the Balkans: recent history and new trajectories

16/11/2020 - 

Research project aimed at exploring the recent history and current status of the communities of historical Italian minorities living in South-Eastern Europe, simultaneously investigating the potential of Italy's foreign policies as a kin state of these minorities and as a political actor of strategic importance in this area. Co-funded by MAECI (pursuant to art. 23-bis) and conducted by OBCT in collaboration with the Department of History of the University of Rijeka, Eurac Research, and the Trentino Historical Museum Foundation (FMST)

The last ones of the Great War: memory in network

20/10/2020 - 

The project, supported by Fondazione Caritro , intends to bring to light a little-known story - that of Serbian and Russian prisoners of war employed on the Alpine front as forced labour during the First World War - and to involve students in an active learning process.


15/09/2020 - 

PEDAKOS (Preschool Education Development Alliance for Kosovo), alongside the children of Kosovo

In the next three years and thanks to the collaboration with RTM and its PEDAKOS project, we will deal with early childhood in Kosovo. A sector that has a significant impact on both the education and the social inclusion of girls and boys.

Transnational Political Contention in Europe (TraPoCo)

07/09/2020 - 

OBC Transeuropa takes part in the 3-year research project “Transnational Political Contention in Europe (TraPoCo)", dedicated to the study of trans-European political activism under the Jean Monnet action of the Erasmus+ programme.

The network, led by the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa with Professor Donatella Della Porta – chair of Political and Social Sciences, comprises three universities (University of Belgrade, University College Dublin, Boku University-Vienna) as well as OBC Transeuropa and NGO The Good Lobby.

Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR)

04/06/2020 - 

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) is a Europe-wide mechanism which tracks, monitors, and responds to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries. This project provides legal and practical support, public advocacy, and information to protect journalists and media workers.

Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa (OBCT) takes part in the MFRR as partner of a consortium led by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and including ARTICLE 19 Europe, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and the International Press Institute (IPI).

Looking beyond the borders

22/04/2020 - 

The project "Looking beyond the Borders" is aimed at strengthening the fundamental rights of asylum seekers and refugees in Italy in the context of current European and national strategies through constant monitoring on the territory, a precious collection of testimonies, and key advocacy work. The leader of the project is the Italian Refugee Council (CIR), and OBC Transeuropa participates with the production of three videos by film-maker Paolo Martino.