Presentazioni progetti

Youth and politics in the Caucasus

01/01/2011 - 

In the Caucasus, a new generation is growing with no direct memories of the USSR. They try to build their own future, looking for a job and often playing an active role in politics. They use the internet to stay in touch with each other and to organise social actions. In the northern Caucasus, the Russian government tries to fight unemployment and extremist movements supporting entrepreneurship and patriotism. In the South Caucasus, young people play an active role in the political life of their country, often struggling against those in power.

The research project “Youth in the Northern Caucasus: associationism, identity, and patriotism in a complex, multi-ethnic context”, was carried out in 2011 thanks to the support by the Caritro Foundation.


01/01/2008 - 

With the AestOvest project, OBC carried out an in-depth analysis of the past and the present of the Upper Adriatic, the border area between Italy, Slovenia and Croatia, examining this region's common historical experience and conflicting memories. The project, which is part of OBC’s long term commitment to analyze the reconciliation process in the Balkans, resulted in a multimedia DVD for schools, a dedicated section within OBC website.

The "AestOvest project. Memories intersection of Fascism, Communism and Nazism. From the Italian-Yugoslav border to European internal borders", has been implemented in 2008 thanks to a co-financing of the Autonomous Province of Trento and the European Union - Program "Europe for citizens 2007-2013".

Cinema Stories

01/01/2008 - 

A research and dissemination project focusing on the cultural and social history of South East Europe through the study of one of its most interesting industries: cinema. Interviews with directors, screenwriters, actors, technicians and producers build up a composite picture of the "seventh art" through the narratives of individuals who took part in it, presented in the publication of the book "The art of cinema in the Balkans".

The project was implemented in 2008 with the support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Trento and Rovereto.

Balcani Cooperazione

01/01/2003 - 

OBC has developed the Database Re.Te., a tool to explore the reality of Italian decentralized cooperation with South-East Europe. The database collects the projects carried out in the area and the local agreements signed by local authorities on the two sides of the Adriatic.

The project started in 2003 under Seenet Programme I - "Local governments engines of development", running from 2003 to 2006 and promoted by the Tuscany Region and the Istrian Region and co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.