
The numbers of the Eu enlargement


The EU-Western Balkans summit, held on May 17 in Sofia, was conceived to restore momentum to the European perspective of the region. But what are the cultural, institutional and economic relations that already link the member countries and those of the Western Balkans? This video, realized within the EDJNet project, presents some figures on the flows to and from the countries of the region.

Hard and soft power struggles in the Balkans


Is the Balkan-EU integration still possible under the current narrative? An interview to Luisa Chiodi, following her lecture "Hard and soft power struggles in the Balkans" held on March 12, 2018 at the Bologna Institute for Policy Research at SAIS Europe

Absheron’s Bağ Evi: Looking for a Lost Cottage

They were meant for escape from Baku’s sizzling summer days, when high humidity and powerful winds can cover the skin with a gritty, wet film. Bağ evi (literally, “garden house”) are the equivalent of dachas in Russia. Photos by Sheyda Allahverdiyeva

Russia’s Spiritual Christians on Armenia’s Highlands

The village of Fioletovo in northern Armenia is one of a kind. Nestled among the mountains north of Lake Sevan, it is home to 1,500-odd Molokans, a Christian sect which split from Russia’s Orthodox Church in the 16th century

Pristina, closed for smog

Sky-high pollution rates led Prishtina authorities to close the centre to traffic, while many citizens protested to ask for new measures to improve quality of air. A photo-report by Veton Kasapolli/OBCT

The EDJNet presented to the European Parliament


On Tuesday January 23, 2018 Chiara Sighele, project manager at OBCT/CCI, presented the European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) to the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education.

Albania, between rocks and sky

A harsh, essential land, a life marked by isolation and the perpetual, unrelenting cycle of seasons. A photo report by Ivo Danchev, in the mountains of northern Albania, in the Pukë and Fushë Arrëz areas

Albania, the knowledgeable winemaker

Agronomist, winemaker, beekeeper. Jak Pacani, animator and owner of the "Ersi" winery, has been a true pioneer in the reorganisation of agriculture in the Zadrima region after the collapse of Albania's centralised system in the early 1990s. A photo report by Ivo Danchev

Albania: agriculture and tourism in the Pukë area


Sabah Djaloshi is the director of Agropuka, an association of farmers committed to sustainable agriculture and social inclusion in the area of Pukë, in Northern Albania. We met him to discuss issues and perspectives for the region

Silk from Albania

Until recently, the alluvial region of Zadrima in the north of Albania was well known for the breeding of silkworm. The latter served for the production of traditional, bright colored cloths, patiently and passionately hand-woven to the chassis by women from the area. A photo-story by Ivo Danchev