
Data journalism for media freedom: visualizing media ownership in Europe


OBC Transeuropa and ECPMF promoted at the International Journalism Festival of Perugia 2017 a panel on media ownership in Europe. The video

Balkan migrants in Turkey: Naturalization, identifications, and associations


In the new episode of the podcast The Southeast passage, Elif Becan discusses the integration of Muslim migrants from the Balkans into the Turkish Republic during the interwar period

Media freedom in Turkey: 10 years of Erdoğan in power

10 years ago, in the special index relating to press freedom by Freedom House, Turkey was referred to as "partly free" with a result equivalent to 49 (0 indicates the best situation, 100 being the worst). Ten years later it became "not free" and the index rose to 71. An infographic

Bulgaria, anti-immigrant patrols at the border with Turkey


Several groups of self-proclaimed "Bulgarian patriots" are patrolling the border between Bulgaria and Turkey, with no reaction from Sofia's government: their proclaimed goal is to defend their country and the EU from a migrants' "invasion"

Armenia’s mountain biking adventure


The first mountain bike route in Armenia, “Boo Mountain Bike Park Project”

Istanbul historical neighbourhoods

Tarlabaşı, Fatih, Fener and Balat: the old Istanbul on the European side, its streets, architectures and the people living there. A photo-reportage by Stefano Majno

Islam in the Balkans: insights into new horizons of research


Current and prospective paths for researching Islam in Southeast Europe and the legacy of Alexandre Popovic in this field are the focus of the new podcast in the series The SouthEast passage

Italian pop culture in Yugoslavia: Transfers and encounters across the Adriatic, 1950s-1960s


Francesca Rolandi, in dialogue with Andreas Guidi, presents the results of her reseach on the influence of Italian pop culture in Yugoslavia

Armenia, amidst abandonment and nostalgia

Armenia in autumn time: from Yerevan to the south of the country, in Goris, at the border with Iran, and then further on to Sevan lake and Alaverdi. A photo-reportage by Stefano Majno


Alana Meija Gonzalez, is a freelance fotographer and author of the documentary film “Transnistrian Youth