

The journey of refugees towards Idomeni, where in recent days the doors of the Balkan route has been closed (Photos and text by Andrea Rossini and Simone Ginzburg)

"Be afraid of still water, don't be afraid of fast water"


PROVERB SESSIONS is a workshop done ​​with young Syrian refugees in Turkish provinces of Hatay and Batman. Starting from proverbs of their tradition, they made ​​these short films now at disposal of the OBC readers

Rural Istria, where the cars have no number plates

A look at the Istrian countryside. Stone walls, crossroads, landscapes bear the weight of a distant past, still in search for a future. A photo story by Alessandro Coccolo

10 days in 100 seconds!


GiuliaBlocal is back in the Balkans! Here her road-trip through western Macedonia: Skopje, Tetovo, Mavrovo Park, Ohrid, Bitola and Prilep. Enjoy!

Scorpio: Zenica outdoors


The Scorpio outdoors and adventure agency has been longtime promoting rock climbing, ski mountaineering and other sports for the Bosnian youth. Based in Zenica, it struggles against difficult social, economical and ecological conditions. Recently, it launched a crowdfunding campaign to renovate its facilities. Watch the teaser

Transeurope. Civil society networks


The video of the workshop: Media freedom and the growth of the European public sphere

OBC15 - TRANSEUROPE. Civil society networks

A photogallery of the international conference "Transeurope. Civil society networks", organized by OBC in Rovereto on the 21st of November

ECPMF- Meeting with media partners

On November 21st, as a side event of the international conference Transeuropa organized by Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso, a working meeting was held with ECPMF media partners. Some pictures of the meeting

South East Europe Media Forum 2015

Some pictures of the ninth edition of the South East Europe Media Forum, held in Bucharest (Romania) on 5 to 6 November 2015. The event that annually brings together dozens of European journalists is organized and promoted by South East Europe Media Organisation, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Central European Initiave.

Agdam, ghost town

Portraits of a family living in Agdam, Nagorno Karabakh. The city was destroyed by Armenian gunnery in 1993. Today, only a few hundred people live there, while 60'000 Azerbaijanis have been forced to leave the city. A photo-reportage by Angelo Emma