
Je suis Charlie. Media Freedom in the EU and South Eastern Europe: the speech by Marina Lalovic


What stands in the way of media freedom, journalistic safety and independence and how to defend citizens' right to information in Europe? Public seminar within the project 'Safety Net for European Journalists' promoted by OBC in Brussels on the 28th of January. The speech by Radio3 journalist Marina Lalovic

Je suis Charlie. Media Freedom in the EU and South Eastern Europe: the speech by Renate Schroeder


What stands in the way of media freedom, journalistic safety and independence and how to defend citizens' right to information in Europe? Public seminar within the project 'Safety Net for European Journalists' promoted by OBC in Brussels on the 28th of January. The speech by Renate Schroeder, European director of the International Federation of Journalists

Je suis Charlie. Media Freedom in the EU and South Eastern Europe: the speech by Samra Lučkin


What stands in the way of media freedom, journalistic safety and independence and how to defend citizens' right to information in Europe? Public seminar within the project 'Safety Net for European Journalists' promoted by OBC in Brussels on the 28th of January. The speech by Samra Lučkin, Seemo

Safety Net for European Journalists

21/01/2015 dedicated 2014 to press freedom with the project "Safety Net for European Journalists. A video

South-east Europe Media Forum (SEEMF)

The South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF2014) was organised by SEEMO in Skopje from 16 to 18 October with the participation of Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso and the project 'Safety Net'

Renewable Energy in South-eastern Europe: An Infographic

The objective to be achieved by 2020 for the EU is to cover 20% of energy needs through the use of renewable energy sources. In this infographic we display the data for the share of energy produced from renewable sources in the countries of South-eastern Europe

Danube, in search of the lost sturgeon

For centuries the sturgeon has been the most prized fish of the Danube. Today, dams, overfishing, and river transport have made it a ghost. In Bulgaria and Romania, a WWF project seeks to start over by collecting new data and raising awareness in the local population.

Georgia: Chiatura-Zestaponi the city of mines

Chiatura-Zestaponi industrial cluster is less than 200 kilometres far from Tbilisi and it has been operating for more than one century.

Bulgaria: the anti-immigration wall

The government in Sofia presented the "technical barrier" on the Bulgarian-Turkish border: 30 kilometres of net and barbed wire that should contain the flow of refugees and asylum seekers

From Donetsk to Lviv


A journey through the Ukraine, from Donetsk, on the border with Russia, to Lviv, near Poland. Two cities, two souls of a same, divided country