
The crushed salt – Ivo Danchev

A journey to Kratovo, Macedonia. The ancient ritual of the crushing of the salt, bringing together the mountain sweetness and the Aegean Sea. Photographs by Ivo Danchev, text by Francesco Martino

Sukhumi, September 30 - Giorgio Comai


Photos taken on September 30, 2011, in Sukhumi, by Giorgio Comai

The 1947 and 1949 Armenian Repatriation - Hazel Antaramian Hofman

With an historical-artistic project, Hazel Antaramian Hofman follows the footprints of those people, who, from all over the world, decided to migrate to Armenia after the Second World War. A collection of pictures


A provocative title for this picture story by Stefano Piva. It shows collective centres in Kraljevo, South Serbia, which still accommodate refugees from Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo

From the Caucasus to Beirut

14 episodes of Paolo Martino's intense story accompanying our readers from the Lebanon to Armenia. On the tracks of the Armenian diaspora. The trailer

The Bosnian Identity

A journey into the memory of Bosnia. Where sufferings, hope and black humour outline a common Bosnian identity born, or perhaps only survived, from the ashes of the former Yugoslavia. A documentary film by Matteo Bastianelli. The trailer

Ski touring: Bosnian adventures

A ski-touring trip. White summits and breathtaking views. And no, we are not in the Alps. We are in Bosnia, on the Visočica massif. Led by Edin Durmo from Scorpio and our inexhaustible Massimo Moratti.

Shushi/Shusha, living in a symbol

A picture story by Elias Pinteri on the city of Shushi/Shusha, in Nagorno-Karabakh. The portrait of a city ravaged by the war, the stories of its citizens looking to an uncertain future

Wine, passion and tradition in Eastern Herzegovina

In Eastern Herzegovina wine is the invisible and lasting tie with both the land and its generations. Today this heritage is preserved and promoted also thanks to the careful work of the Trebinje-Erzegovina Slow Food convivium. A picture story with photos by Ivo Danchev and texts by Francesco Martino

Albania: Oil

Talk about Albania, Italy and energy issues is often heard. It has deep roots in the past. A multimedia production based on fascinating archive documents. The texts are from 'Albania. Guida d'Italia della Consociazione Turistica Italiana", Milan 1940. The photos, that were never published, come from the 'Franco Tagliarini Archive'